CA lays down the pants

The type of pants that mothers who use this "unique" currently becoming the new fad of many she voted. Hope this is a useful case of girl Jessica Wynter, age 21. This young girl has a sore tongue after 39 weeks of pregnancy, a week earlier than planned. She wakes up in the morning with a sore lower back aches and tried a hot bath to relieve the pain. But then when I saw his stomach pain, she realizes that he's coming and have to go to the hospital immediately. Jessica's mother and father have used cars to take her away.

Toddler Kye and his mother Jessica

However despite very quickly but then the baby was not born up in Kye hospital. As soon as the car is on the way Jessica was feeling his amniotic water breaks, she spoke and when pain just to the hospital parking lot, the nephew Kye has cried, I nestled in the "pipe pants".

Kye was lucky to born healthy in their mother's "pants-pipe"

The family very happy Jessica

When to hear the cry of Kye, the whole family 3 people have towards relief. Jessica said she was lucky to wear the Salwar kameez for rather than skirts, if not sure maybe I crashed out During lost. Young mother quickly unlock the pants and put her son out. Healthy baby and is rounded in the mother book, a true rarity birthing scene.

Jessica gave birth to the right in the hospital's parking

The nest the doctor after that were present immediately to care for you. Both very healthy after the delivery without help from outside. Known to the Salwar kameez for that mother Jessica is wearing is Dad's gift in this Christmas. She joked: "this will now make very expensive pants for women have the vote in time to come".

Few months ago there have been cases of childbirth in hospital corridors of parents elected to American. When pregnant, Ms. Amy Beth cherished will take a picture at birth to make memories. But the birth of Amy Beth occurred faster than expected, so this mother still has a beam photo birth but not like usually.

Although there were early child birth experience but the second baby born faster than planned. Only two push as the baby was born right on the seat push in the hospital corridor.=
