Cure cough for children with extremely effective folk remedies, without using antibiotics

Fish lettuce

In the composition of fish lettuce is known to be one of the most effective natural antibiotics for young children. Please use a handful of fish lettuce to wash it and put it in a mortar. Mum mixes with a bowl of water to rinse the rice, boil it gently for about 20 minutes for the fish lettuce to crumble. After that, cool and filter the baby's water. Mothers give their babies 2-3 times a day, it is best to give them about 1 hour after meals to stop coughing immediately.

River bone

In the composition of vertebrate leaves contain substances that help treat inflammation, treat coughs extremely effectively. How to do it: Mom use about 3-4 spine leaves and then clean and chop them into a spoon of honey. After that, the mother brought this mixture to absorb the water to calm the baby to drink 2-3 times a day.

Children of mothers and mothers should not rush to use antibiotics

White radish and ginger

In the composition of white radish and pureed ginger put in a ceramic bowl, add a little water and some honey, steamed about 10-15 minutes from the water and let the baby cool, each time 2-3 spoons get high. Please give your baby 3 times a day, within a few days the baby will stop coughing

Lemon seeds and alum sugar

Be prepared to take 5-6 lemon seeds, 1 teaspoon of alum sugar and put it in, crushed. Then add 1 tablespoon of water to a clean bowl. When the rice runs out of water, the mother puts the bowl into steaming until the rice is cooked. Then take the bowl out, let it cool, decant the clear water and give the baby 4-6 times a day, each time 1-2 teaspoons, the baby will stop coughing and sputum extremely effective.

Lemon peaches help treat cough for children

Honey pickled lemons

Prepare about 1kg of washed peach, then soak in cool boiled water with a little salt for 30 minutes. Then take the lemon out and drain it, cut it into small slices, taking note not to drop the lemon. Mother took 0.5kg of alum sugar. Prepare a clean glass jar, drain it, turn 1 layer of alum sugar, 1 lemon layer in turn, until all is gone. Give honey the last. Lime peach after 3 months can be used and can effectively treat cough.

Note: These remedies are only applicable when the child is mild or coughing phlegm when the child coughs with a fever, vomiting should bring the baby to the hospital for treatment
