Disastrous error caused parents hard beans thai

You admit or underweight

Underweight or overweight, obesity can affect the ability to conceive. How to know you're formula weight or underweight? Please pay attention to the body mass index BMI. Parents have a low body mass index may cause the ovulation process bottlenecks and irregular menstrual cycle. However, if your body mass index is too high (over 35) also get stuck in the parking problem. Not only that, people are too fat when pregnant had miscarriage rate also, diabetes, pregnancy, high blood pressure and birth defects is much higher. Ideal for mass index body to thai bean is from 20-25. How to calculate mass number.

Not interested in the menstrual cycle

The track length of the menstrual cycle can help we offer predictions on the matter to avoid pregnancy or conceive. Regardless of any woman, especially those who are looking to have kids then should track and know how to determine the time of ovulation to know should have sex on time would be appropriate, since it raises the chance of conception.

The track length of the menstrual cycle can help we offer predictions on the matter to avoid pregnancy or conceive. (Artwork)

Usually ovulate 14 days before stepping into the next cycle phase. If you have a 28 day cycle, that means ovulate on the 14th is the day. 32-day cycle, ovulation date is September 18. But to apply this calculation is your menstrual cycle regular sisters continuously for 6 months.

The monitoring of the body temperature increased slightly every morning around the day the egg can fall is also a way to get to know the time of ovulate but low accuracy.

Just "love" in August ovulate

After ovulation, the egg only be fertilized within 24 hours. If you miscalculated the day of ovulation, which means you have to wait for a chance on the next month. Because sperm can live for 3-5 days so the "relationships" on the day of ovulation day increases the chance of pregnancy.

"Love" too much

Sexual fad too can lead to a reduction in the number and quality of sperm, which lead to failure to conceive. So, the couple should select the best time of the month and sexually active moderation maximized to increase the chance of conception. Please keep in mind: The sex every day and many times each day do not help you to increase your chances of conceiving.

You smoking

Smoking serious impacts to the ability to conceive. Nicotine and other harmful chemicals in cigarettes affect the ability to create the body's estrogen (hormone responsible during ovulation) and may prevent the egg from being extraordinary. Smoking also causes regular sisters early menopause than those who don't smoke to 4 years. So, if you or you're smoking Township, stop immediately if you want to get pregnant.

Indiscriminate drinking

Drinking more than two glasses of wine every day will prevent the ability to conceive of parents reduced to 60%. In some cases, alcohol can make the process of conception became more difficult. In particular, when pregnant women drinking alcohol can make the fetus suffer birth defects or problems in thinking and perception.

Some sisters have inadvertently drinking alcohol because of not knowing I was pregnant. However the restrictions and avoid alcohol completely for a while will help you have a safe pregnancy.

Drinking more than two glasses of wine every day will prevent the ability to conceive of parents reduced to 60%. (Artwork)

Use caffeine

Every day you wake up to find themselves unable to do anything as if lack of coffee. Would be okay if you only use a small split of the day. Experts recommend that women who are preparing to get pregnant and pregnant women should not use too 200 mg caffeine/day.

If drinks have caffeine also should not drink coffee, tea. Should be replaced by fruit juice, dilute tea water.

Subjective health

If there are signs of the menstrual cycle as long or irregular, it may be due to disease or health problems. So you should go visit if you find any abnormal signs. One more thing is also very important is not always the problem also lies in the wife. If the two of you have dropped too long which can not conceive then the husband should also be examined whether there is a problem.

"The plan" too long

Many couples want to wait until they are completely ready with new roles and responsibilities. However, they need to remember the fact that at age 40 the ability to conceive only half the age of 20. That means the more years the chances of conceiving a safe way of less woman. So if you want to have more children, then don't wait too long.=
