Discover what foods help strengthen the immune system

1. Yogurt

Yogurt is the product of the fermentation process. It has the ability to support health, enhance the digestive system for kids.

According to the study, the children eating yogurt has the risk of colds, ear infections, sore throat is lower than the 19% compared with children who don't eat sour milk or eat less. Because yogurt contains bacteria called probiotic. This creature lives in the intestine and have the ability to improve digestion. Moreover, they also played an important role in helping the baby body against disease.

Children from 6 months old can eat yogurt daily, with diet as follows:

-Children from 6-10 years: 50 g/day of yogurt

-Children from 1 to 2 years old: 80 g sour milk/day

-Children above 2 years of age: 100 g yogurt/day

2. Fresh milk

Is milk contains a lot of nutrients, vitamins and minerals for the body. Kids drink milk often have better health, better immunity and blood vitamin D levels are more stable than the young do not drink milk.

However, according to the study, milk can cause digestive disorders for children under 12 months of age, so you should drink milk for children over 12 months of age.

3. Fruit and vegetable

Supplement for baby the vegetables contain more vitamin A and vitamin c. two types of this vitamin plays an important role in strengthening the immune system of young children.

Vitamin A you can find in the orange-colored vegetables such as carrot, papaya, pumpkin ... Take supplements for vitamin A little by cooking those dishes such as pumpkin tea, pumpkin porridge, stir-fried pork broth, carrots potatoes carrots ...

Vitamin C can be found in other fruits such as lemon, grapefruit, orange ...

4. Walnuts

Walnuts are rich in protein, vitamin E, omega-3, organic acids and phosphorus, so this is very good for the brain and potentially prevent many diseases in young children.

At the same time, the omega-3 in walnuts can reduce the risk of respiratory infection in children.

You just need to add a couple of walnuts in the child's diet and you will see the difference after three months when feeding fruit

5. Enhance zinc foods

Zinc helps control the proliferating and flourish of the virus. The immune system of our body depends on zinc, it helps to fight infection. So the zinc supplements is also a way to strengthen resistance to the child.

Zinc supplements to children, parents should note for the amount of meat to eat enough food or meat equivalents. Often choose food sources contain zinc. Eat more natural foods rich in zinc such as lean beef. Enhance zinc absorption together with high quality protein.

Eat lean meat, poultry, fish or chicken egg yolks will help the body absorb much zinc.

6. Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes contain more calories, beta-carotene, vitamins help strengthen immunity can be powerful antioxidant and immune system protection against the infection by bacteria and viruses cause cancer as well.

Moreover, the amount of vitamin C and vitamin E is abundant in sweet potatoes will be very important for children to have a healthy nervous system.

7. Kale

Kale in the innovators, there is dark green and help enhance the overall food, alleviate congestion status rule the lungs, stomach and especially for the immune system of young children.

Specifically, the Kale is rich in iron, calcium, beta-carotene, potassium, vitamin C and rich just like the other members of the Brassicaceae family, kale contains anticancer compounds such as sulforaphane and indoles.=
