Distinguish signs of teething fever in children with other dangerous diseases

What is the cause of childhood teething fever?

Often, some studies show an increase in low body temperature at low levels during teething. Therefore, the term teething fever is often referred to as a sign of early teething in children.

Fever may be caused by gingivitis during the 'rise' of the tooth. If the baby's baby has a temperature rise of more than 38 degrees Celsius or is accompanied by diarrhea, there is a high chance that the child with another illness is not involved in teething.

How long does teething last?

Gingivitis occurs when the gums are swollen and when the baby's teeth grow "through" the gum surface. This pain and fever usually lasts a few days. However, baby teeth will grow at different periods when children grow older. So the fever cycle can happen many times.

However, the temperature of teething fever in children is usually only recorded in the first teeth, when the baby teeth are gradually filling the baby's mouth, the pain and fever of children are often not much, even children grow teeth without any expression.

Predict your baby's teeth are coming soon

The timing of breast teeth (6 months and older) often coincides with the age at which babies begin to explore their surroundings. During this stage, it is normal for children to put their hands or objects in their mouths.

However, when putting your hands and toys into your mouth is quite frequent with your child being excited, refusing to eat or sleeping, it may be a sign of early teething.

Symptoms of disease - not signs of teething

Children have a fever with a runny or stuffy nose

High fever

Rash on a young body

Children with vomiting or diarrhea

How to take care of a baby with teething fever

- The mother should note that when she sees a high fever (temperature clamp above 39oC), the mother should quickly bring her to see a doctor to avoid the baby being too high fever and may be convulsed More serious, brain-depleting oxygen or damage to the central neurons of children can lead to a deep coma or death.

- If the baby has a moderate fever (> 38oC a little), the mother can use Paracetamol to help the child reduce fever with the prescribed dose of 10-15mg / 1kg of the baby's weight. And every 4 hours, the mother needs to give her a drink. For children with a milder fever, there is no need to take medicine.

- Mothers can reduce fever for their babies by simply using a soft cloth to soak the warm water and then wipe the baby (note that the water is not too hot nor too cold) and feed the baby more often in one day. In addition, mothers can express milk and feed their babies by spooning them with babies if they suffer from pain and breastfeeding.

- For babies who are a little older, mothers should give them more filtered or diluted milk. If the baby refuses to drink water due to pain, then the mother can use a small piece of cotton to clean the dots in the cup of filtered water and then gently pour into the baby's mouth, the way to drink this water will not make the baby choke but still help the baby not dry mouth and lack of water.

- For cases where the baby has a fever that is too high and there are symptoms of convulsions that the mother cannot take her to see the doctor immediately, take a soft towel, fold small and clamp it to the child's mouth to avoid Let him bite his tongue and quickly bring him to the doctor.

- With a high fever, the mother needs to take her to the doctor as soon as possible. Because high fever may put your baby at risk for health, more seriously, your baby's brain may be damaged by the central nervous system and may leave serious sequelae later on to your baby. baby has intellectual and physical retardation .

3. Nutrition for children with teething fever

- If the child has teething fever, the mother should give the child soft foods to make it easier for the child to eat and digest. If mothers give their children food that is too hot or too cold, it will affect their teeth development and make their diarrhea worse. In addition, for the baby to develop healthy teeth, the mother should supplement calcium in her daily diet.

- A note that moms need to know is that when the baby is teething, the baby will suffer from gingivitis due to swollen and inflamed gums, the baby will not eat the foods that make their baby uncomfortable, so they need to choose carefully filter and prepare foods that do not irritate your baby's gums, make them easier to eat and more easily absorbed, while still meeting their nutritional needs.

- See how to mix honey lemon juice and honey ginger tea to support digestion and improve body resistance

4. Things to do when parents have teething fever

- Changing the daily diet for children, mothers should change the diet for children to eat with milk, powder or dilute porridge.

- Keeping the baby's oral hygiene: The mother needs to give the baby water after eating, clean the teeth and brush the baby's teeth regularly

- Do not let your baby chew or bite toys or hard and sharp objects because they can hurt your baby's gums.

- Mothers can apply the following method if they see their baby crying because of their gums, try to give them a few slices of cold bananas (to keep them in the refrigerator compartment) that will help ease and reduce swelling and swelling. baby, help reduce your baby's crying.

- It is recommended to wipe the baby with warm water (not too hot or too cold) because the water is too hot or too cold will make the fever of the baby may become more serious. When wiping a baby's body with moderate warm water, the baby's body will escape heat and the child will reduce fever faster. The mother should wear baby cool and comfortable clothes after cleaning the body so that the baby's body can escape heat.

- Need to give your baby plenty of water during the day if your baby has diarrhea or urination many times.

- If babies are too fussy due to swollen baby's gums, they can give them pain relievers according to a doctor's prescription.
