Fear when you vomit at all nasal path

"Sometimes my kids or were vomiting reflux while eating. Every so often the baby vomited at all nasal passages made me very frightened, "a mother worry.

Fear when you vomit at all nasal path.


"This also usually happens when the mechanism of swallowing be prevented, such as baby step, cough or sneeze"-David Geller (doctor of Pediatrics in Bedford, Massachusetts) said. In other words, it is a mechanism of normal reflux vomiting in babies.

While the majority of the babies stop (or reduce) vomiting reflux around the time know sitting (about 6-7 months of age), a few baby continue vomiting reflux until a year old. But even after the baby has stopped vomiting then fluid can still flow through the tip of the baby until the baby good control of the process of swallowing.

However, this problem does not disappear altogether in the bigger baby. If the baby starts laughing while drinking milk, milk out the nose line movement can happen. In this situation, it is normal.

If the baby swallowing or feeding difficulties, parents should bring the baby to take the examination. If the baby vomiting reflux more right after each meal, your doctor should check your baby has good weight gain or not. The doctor can also specify a drug reserved for boy or vomiting reflux.=
