Fetal heart the bitter suffering congenital

Congenital is a quite sensitive topic that few parents voted would like to mention, but with the statistics of the economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) in 2002, while 5 million disabled people in Vietnam have to 34.2% are due to congenital Figure 1, in no small way, the parents elected to the need to pay more attention to the causes of malformations for baby right before or during pregnancy, to prevent the most probable risks. Most are in the range of 60-70% of congenital cause still unknown derived from environmental or genetic factors.

Therefore, understanding the types of birth defects will help parents elected to be proactive in preventing deformities for baby loves his home, while also reassuring and calm than when faced with the risk of alerting deformities are discovered during consultations during pregnancy products and money after the birth of the baby. The following are the most common birth defects, causes, as well as an expression of how to detect, prevent and treat that parents elected need to know.

Consultations before conception and during pregnancy helps parents discover and intervene promptly if there are birth defects in the fetus (illustration)

1. Down syndrome

Is a chromosome disorder, Down syndrome occurs when a baby's cells have three chromosome 21 instead of the usual 2. For 800-1000 newborns are 1 sick baby. The risk of childbirth is Down will increase according to the age of the mother. As statistics show, in addition to the mother-born singer 350 35 years will have 1 children with Down. At age 40, this rate soared up to 1/100 and 1/30 is 45 years old. About 85-90% of thai is Down dead from the embryonic stage, the child born and survived largely infected by random irregularities in the process of fertilization, only about 5%.

The affected child Down often have characteristics such as: the tongue as being displayed, the deviation in the corner of the eyes, the face has the folds. Part of the straight head and 2 ót unusual ears. The baby was quite weak, 2 hands, feet short and friends. The palms, the feet have horizontal folds. Add to that the baby may be congenital heart or mental. Yet the disease Down are also divided into several levels and have many children with Down syndrome still normally almost the other baby, a child can live independently thanks to the support and education of parents from the baby.

2. crooked foot syndrome

Can be detected through an ultrasound right from the fetal stage, the crooked foot syndrome mainly due to genetic and occupy rate of 1/1000 live births. This is the highest proportion malformation compared with other deformities in advocacy agency. Baby born with 1 or 2 legs soles turned down and turned into, or spin up and spin out.

Genetic counseling before deciding to conceive help parents elected to have more opportunities to avoid birth defects such as foot syndrome to be twisted (illustration)

A popular treatment is made of powder to bundle adjust foot shape and snowman for baby feet, including the snowman a gentle correction, and then cast from the feet up to the thigh. The snowman bundle of dough separated by 1 week, repeated in 5-8 weeks in order to adjust gradually to the bones in the correct position. To avoid a recurrence, after the snowman and baby powder, bunch will be for bringing a pair of boots, an exposed toes and attached 1 metal bars to hold the foot to rotate out, combine workouts more to rehabilitate. The ideal treatment time is after the baby is born from 1-2 weeks, because it is at the tendons, ligaments of the foot is also flexible.

3. Evidence of urinary hole deviation-high and low

Appears in the boys with the rate of 1/1000. With urinary hole deviation high hole located on the side of the Emirates lead the penis, the penis may curve upward, also with urinary hole lower deviation, the hole leads u.s. again just below the Glans and the penis may curve downward. A form of urinary hole lower deviation serious but rare is the urinary orifice is located between the testicles and anus, so that your baby's genitals may look like girls. Most of these deformities can interfere with surgery soon, with a high success rate that does not affect the function of urination and sexual activity.

4. Disability cleft lips and cleft palates

In Vietnam, the lip cleft deformities, cleft palates in infants is quite common, at the rate of about 1/800-1000 births. Deformities caused by incomplete development of the upper lip, palate, or both, and can be detected through ultrasound in pregnancy. Most of the cases failed to determine the exact cause, but the doctors believe that this malformation is a combination of genetic and environmental factors (like my mother use a medicine, the patient mother, smoking or drinking alcohol when pregnant ...). The risk of this disease is as high as young family history have people with disabilities cleft lips, cleft palates.

Disabilities cleft lips, cleft palates can completely cured if early intervention in round 12-18 months after the baby's birth (illustration)

The disabled can do hard baby, what can lead to milk the baby gets artificial nose and suffocation. In addition, children may suffer more diseases of teeth missing, redundant, misshapen teeth, mess etc.., especially very prone to ear infections. Often, children will be plastic surgery to create lip again within 12-18 months born to repair defects and improve the face.

5. Congenital Heart Disease (Ventricular septal syndrome)

Ventricular septal is the most common form of congenital heart syndrome, can be detected through ultrasound in pregnancy, or usually around 4 weeks after birth will appear symptoms such as the blue-green color on the skin, especially skin around the mouth, breathing difficulties, weakness or baby or cannot breathe while feeding. This was due to the process of development of the fetus having lead to 1 small hole appeared in the walls of the heart, is the septum between the left and right ventricles, do the ventricles are together instead of separating out.

The disease may experience in 2-6/1000 live births, children up to about 30-60% of infants. Often child deformities do not need surgery because the hole will plugged 1 naturally, surgical intervention only in the case of: Ventricular septal large size, septal furniture have increased pulmonary arterial pressure average, Ventricular septal region hopper etc.

Ventricular septal syndrome in babies can be detected through an ultrasound of the times her mother elected to consultation (illustration)

6. Bifida

Although not yet have specific statistics, but the rate of children born with deformities brought bifida in Vietnam are quite high, about 1/250-500 births. Bifida is a neural tube defects occur due to 1 a few unclosed vertebra on spinal cord spinal cord membrane, and expose the CSF as a "bag of nerves" soft darker grows in the back along the spine. This bag was covered with thin-layer 1 should probably leaking CSF drainage work out. Bifida is divided into two forms: bifida closed form is the lightest form, manifest in the appearance of unusual hair, or have bad convergence of subcutaneous fat, a sunken or stain the skin over the Indigo bifida; bifida the open form consists of 2 types of hernia is meninges and brain membrane hernia-the bone marrow.

The mother of the lack of folic acid before and during pregnancy, a family history of neural tube defects, were parents taking some medications during pregnancy, the mother of diabetic pregnancy period or during the early months of pregnancy, the mother increased body temperature due to high fever, in the bath, Turkish bath, hot water etc are factors that increase the risk of spina bifida in babies. Bifida causes many serious problems for your baby's health as more vulnerable to infection, meningitis, muscle contraction, paralyzed, the feet were khèo, difficult to control bowel, hydrocephalus, brain damage (resulting in blind, delay, seizures or cerebral) allergic substances, latex (rubber and plastic) etc. The child was born out of spina bifida will have more chance to live if the surgery 48 hours later born within soon, combination therapy physical therapy, Neurology, urinary, digestive, etc..

Can prevent spina bifida and other neural tube defects generally by adding folic acid before conception may 1 and lasts through the first 3 months of pregnancy, between 0.4-1 mg/day. With the at-risk mother birth deformities such as were already suffering from neural tube defects, are using medications etc need higher doses as directed by your doctor.

Ingestion of folic acid before and during pregnancy helps parents elected to limit her testimony bifida as well as other neural tube defects (illustration)

7. no anal hole

Although it is a rare malformation, at the rate of 1/5000 babies, but not anal hole is still the type of malformation causes much confusion for parents if the baby born to suffer this illness. Up to now science has yet to determine the specific cause of the illness, the anus, but the rate of virus infected mother, exposed to radiation or medication in pregnancy child birth suffer this illness.

No anal hole is anal status rows, or due to the thin skin membrane covering 1 hole out, or because the pipe connection between the anus and colon are not developed. Rectal pouch can also connect to the vagina, with the urethra or bladder. When it detects this malformation, must immediately be surgical intervention for so long can affect the baby's life.=
