Hot spicy betel leaves need to be taken into consideration when used for young children

At Vietnam Friendship Hospital - Cuba Dong Hoi, Quang Binh has just received a pediatric patient named Tran Minh L who was born 14 days old and suffered severe burns due to his family's mistake.

According to his mother L., a day before, she was distraught, her family found ways to treat her but did not stop. There are acquaintances who tell the family to take betel leaves without heating them on the abdomen and chest so they follow.

The family did, the child did not support but was still crying, there appeared fever, skin of the abdomen, chest was red and blistering so the family sent him to the hospital.

According to Dr. Pham Thi Ngoc Han, in charge of Pediatrics, this is a case of self-healing at home according to folk experience leading to dangerous complications to the network. The condition of L is currently suffering from a Grade II burn that extends across the abdomen and chest. 'We have conducted consultation and active treatment for the child. Currently, my condition is stable, 'said Dr. Han.

Baby L suffered burns due to using betel nuts without treating abdominal distention

' Many young mothers are still abusing word-of-mouth treatments or self-healing for their children according to google, many cases have left serious consequences that we have encountered. Therefore, if children see abnormal signs, they should take their children to the doctor to detect and treat in time, do not use any medicine, any method without a doctor's opinion , 'doctor. Please advise more.

Reasons for children suffering from abdominal distention

Because children eat and drink improperly : When parents give their children too fast, eat too much, eat at the wrong time, chew carefully when eating, eat and go to sleep . making food in the stomach indigestion chemical.

Hot spicy betel leaves need to be taken into consideration when used for young children

Weight loss diet : The fact that parents let their children eat too much indigestible food such as starch, greasy foods . causes the food to be stagnant and the stomach will ferment and give birth to a little gas. slightly obnoxious for children.

Children eat contaminated food : When children eat unhygienic food, bacteria enter the rotten food will lead to poisoning, diarrhea, vomiting, bloating and bloating.

When the child shows signs of bloating because of this cause, the baby's stomach is often tense, erection even though it is eaten a few hours.

(*) The victim's name has changed
