How to cook delicious shrimp porridge nutritious, fast growing baby every day

Pumpkin shrimp porridge for babies

Ingredients: 200g pumpkin, 100g fresh shrimp, a small handful of rice, less onions and cilantro leaves. How to cook:

First, peel the peeled pumpkin, rinse and cut into small pieces. With clean rice, soak in water to cook for faster cooking. With shrimp you peel, draw black thread, puree and marinate with seasoning seeds to taste.

Next, put the pumpkin and glutinous rice in a pot to cook well. Porridge cooked for shrimp meat, cooked and then turn off the kitchen, scoop out the bowl for a little more onions, cilantro chopped to make the dish more delicious, easier to eat.

Pumpkin shrimp porridge delicious for children

Carrot shrimp porridge

Ingredients: 100g shrimp, a handful of glutinous rice, a small carrot, a little glutinous rice


First, clean the carrots and wash the water and then cut into small pieces. With clean rice, soaked in water to help porridge cooked quickly. With shrimp, remove the shell, only black, puree marinated with a little seasoning to taste.

Next, you cook the carrots and rice and make them easy to eat. When cooked, porridge, then cooked shrimp and then north, for baby to enjoy when warm will be more delicious.

Carrot shrimp porridge

Note: If you feed your child in the 6-month weaning period, it should be pureed so that your baby does not have a problem, but for children from 18 months and up, it is easy to eat this porridge!
