I'm sure I'm going to buy these 9 fruits for you to make sure your baby grows up quickly, doesn't worry about sickness

In the early years of life, the immune system of an incomplete child is prone to respiratory diseases. Babies may be exposed to these pathogens in the environment such as kindergartens, schools, public areas . The immune system protects the body, organisms, viruses, fungi, parasites . .to fight disease. Therefore, it is important to increase resistance to your baby.

Parents can enhance immunity, improve children's resistance through a proper diet every day, combined with sports, supplementing foods with high antibacterial properties. Mothers can give their children healthy fruits and improve their immunity below.


Bananas are considered 'golden' foods for your baby's health, because they contain lots of vitamins and minerals such as potassium, zinc, vitamins A and B . Therefore, bananas are ideal foods to increase resistance in children. . Children who regularly eat bananas will help control excess fat in the blood very well. Besides, bananas are also considered 'brave' of the digestive tract, preventing constipation. In addition, the ingredients in bananas help the brain produce a chemical that helps children eat better, sleep better and be more comfortable.


Mulberry contains plenty of water, fiber, protein, amino acids and vitamins, which not only boosts the immune system, supplements calcium to feed the bones but also helps improve kidney function and reduce symptoms of neurasthenia , helps reduce insomnia. Drinking some mulberry juice in the evening will help children sleep better. You can also make strawberry syrup for your baby by putting some mulberry in the water to boil it at low temperature and give it to your baby before going to bed for about 1 hour.


Mango contains a significant amount of enzymes that helps break down the protein structure that helps the body absorb nutrients easily. Besides, high fiber content in mangoes helps the child's digestive system work better. In particular, mangoes contain a lot of vitamin C, which helps reduce LDL cholesterol - a kind of bad cholesterol that harms the baby's body.

In particular, mango peels contain a lot of Glutamine Acid - a substance that enhances and improves memory, good for a child's brain. At the same time, mangoes contain a lot of iron to help prevent anemia very well.

Citrus fruit

Citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, tangerines and grapefruit are abundant sources of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system by boosting the production of white blood cells. In addition, this fruit also has natural anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.


Kiwi contains essential nutrients such as vitamin C, folate, potassium, vitamin K and vitamin E to boost immunity. Add green kiwi to your diet.


Strawberries are also on the list of immune-enhancing foods thanks to high levels of vitamins A and C. Use strawberries as desserts or served with yogurt.


Watermelon is the ideal fruit in the summer to boost the immune system. Watermelon contains many vitamins, minerals and especially lycopene to prevent many diseases, infections and respiratory infections.


Apples contain a lot of vitamin C to help increase resistance for children. Not only that, apples are also a great choice for your child's digestive system due to their abundant fiber content. Many studies also show that apples help prevent and fight asthma in children effectively. You can add apples to your baby's menu with steamed apples mixed with milk or juice . delicious and attractive.


Studies have shown that grapes contain many synthetic nutrients to help children eat better. Besides, eating a lot of grapes also helps increase Gama and Delta T cells to help boost the child's immune system. Therefore, on the days of sudden changes in weather or during the changing seasons, the mother should feed her baby or drink grape juice to prevent colds.

Some notes to enhance your baby's health and immunity

Create a habit for children to have good sleep


Full vaccine vaccine

Advocate for children
