Mom kept stirring the baby to eat this way, saying why the child is anorexic, retarded, and less intelligent

1. "Divineize" bone broth

Many mothers believe that bone broth contains calcium, good for development. However, that is a very serious mistake. In fact, bone broth is more appetizing but "poor" in calcium than meat. Not to mention, if children want to absorb calcium, the ratio of calcium and phosphorus must be balanced. But in bone broth, the amount of phosphorus is very low.

When children feed bone broth, the body will have to take phosphorus from the spine of the child, causing babies to have rickets.

During the cooking process, the animal fat in the bone marrow escapes. These are unhealthy fats that cause satiety, indigestion, and inhibition of absorption of other nutrients.

According to the INCAP Oriente study of the Central American Institute of Nutrition and Panama (USA), the height at 3 years of age determines stature in adulthood. If children get enough calcium, 94.5 cm tall at 3 years of age, when adults will have a physique 1m71.

Parents should feed children with meat, fish, shrimp, eggs (minced, chopped or minced) to provide adequate calcium and other nutrients so that children can reach their ideal height.

2. Monotonous diet

According to experts, meals need a complete and balanced 4 groups of nutrients: protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, moms need to combine a variety of ingredients, change the menu daily and weekly to provide enough nutrients for the baby, and prevent anorexia.

3. Feed the child too salty

The biggest mistake that women make when making porridge for children is to add too much seasoning. According to experts, children 1 year of age and older should eat spicy food. Before that, children should eat food with the original taste. Because eating early spice easily causes disorders of taste, the leading cause of anorexia and anorexia in children.

Not only that, eating too much salt can make children more susceptible to high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and also the cause of unhealthy childhood.

4. Cook porridge to feed your baby all day

Because cooking porridge takes a lot of time, many mothers can often cook for their children a large pot of porridge to feed their children all day. However, this is harmful to children's health. Because at normal temperature conditions, the porridge can only be left for 2 hours has begun to show rancid signs.

If stored in the refrigerator, the nutrients in the porridge are also significantly lost. When porridge / flour is reheated, the amount of nutrients in the food will be gradually lost to the end and make the porridge / flour taste difficult to eat.

Therefore, if there is the best condition, I should cook meals for children to eat that meal, to avoid leaving over to the next meal. If you're too busy, moms should cook white porridge separately and side dishes.

5. Do not train your child to eat the right foods at each developmental time

There are many children 3-4 years old, fully grown teeth but still have to eat food that is pureed in a blender, without chewing skills. It is not the children's fault that comes from the fact that parents do not train their children to eat the right foods from time to time.

When children are 6 months old, parents should practice feeding the baby with diluted powder and then gradually thickening; 7-8 months to eat puree or thick porridge; 12 months, then get used to the porridge cooked with seeds and soft foods like noodles, noodles, pasta .; 2-year-old children with enough molars to eat rice.
