Not milk, these are the first-ever CANXI GIRLS to feed children 1-3 years old QUICKLY LONG LONGER than friends

First-class CANXI foods

1 / Shrimp

Shrimp is rich in calcium, not only that, shrimp are also rich in iron, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc . providing enough nutrients for babies to grow and develop physically well. In addition to shrimp, other seafood dishes such as clams and oysters . are also extremely rich in calcium, so you can enjoy them regularly. However, it is necessary to familiarize your child slowly with seafood and monitor reactions to whether he or she has a seafood allergy.

2 / Fish and meat

Fish like salmon, tuna, sardines . red meats like beef . provide calcium and vitamin D very well for babies.

3 / Nuts and beans

Nuts are considered super foods for health. Not only is it good for pregnant women, nuts are also good for mothers after giving birth and nursing mothers and good for babies. Almonds, walnuts . are extremely calcium rich seeds, for children to develop physically, superior to defying genetics. In addition to calcium, nuts are also rich in iron, zinc, vitamin B group . help children strengthen immune, healthy, intelligent. I can make a nut milk for you to enjoy. However, do not give your baby too much formula milk.

Legumes are one of the very good foods for children during the golden period of height development. Soybeans, white beans, mung beans contain calcium levels close to milk, and these beans are rich in iron, zinc, B vitamins, folic acid, fiber . not only good for the digestive system, Help strengthen immunity but also help children develop better intelligence.

4 / Green vegetables (especially dark green vegetables)

In most green vegetables such as spinach, okra, sweet potatoes . are excellent sources of calcium synthesis for children. In addition to calcium, green vegetables also have more fiber, support digestive system, avoid diseases such as constipation.

5 / Sweet potatoes

This familiar, cheap and cheap tuber is actually a superfood with extremely high nutrient content. Sweet potatoes are rich in fiber, protein, iron, zinc, vitamin C, beta carotene and especially calcium. A sweet potato contains about 55mg of calcium, which helps superior children. Mom can cook sweet potatoes and porridge, make sweet potato mash for baby to enjoy. However, she did not let her eat too many sweet potatoes and never let her eat potatoes when she was hungry.

6 / Amaranth

Amaranth is rich in vitamins, fiber, iron and especially calcium. In 100 grams of fresh amaranth contains about 100mg of calcium. Amaranth helps children have a healthy digestive system, cooling in hot days, helping with blood, superior brain and brain development. Porridge cooked with shrimp, spinach soup . are dishes that moms can cook for children to enjoy regularly.

7 / Orange juice

Orange is a popular and popular fruit because of its abundance of water, fiber and vitamin C. Oranges help boost immunity, help the body fight free radicals, increase resistance against disease. Orange also helps to cool, avoid losing water on hot days. For babies, oranges are also good for the digestive system, making the digestive system work smoother and healthier. Not only that, orange is also one of the most calcium rich fruits, a fresh orange contains about 50mg of calcium, regularly drinking orange juice to help the young height soared.

Calcium needs for infants and young children by age

- Baby from 0 - 6 months old: Need 200mg daily (In breast milk, there is enough, no need to add anything)

- From 6-12 months: Children need 260mg daily

- From 1 - 3 years old: Need 700mg of calcium per day

- From 4 - 8 years old: Children need 1000mg of calcium / day

- From 9 - 18 years old: Need 1300mg of calcium daily

Signs to recognize babies and young children with calcium deficiency

- Children with anorexia, anorexia

- Children do not sleep well, have trouble going to sleep, or go to sweating, babies are crying all night.

- Children have slow cognitive expression, react with poor surroundings

- Children or pain in limbs.

- Children with teething age are hard to grow

- Newborns and under 1 year old or towel-shaped hair loss.

For calcium supplementation for children, it is mainly for children to regulate activities, scientific mobilization and nutrition regime.

Proper and safe way to supplement calcium for babies

- Give children regular sunbathing to provide abundant vitamin D. The time between 6-8 am when the sun is sufficient and is also the time when vitamin D is appropriate for babies.

- Infants are exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months: The mother should eat a full range of foods that contain protein, protein, vitamins and minerals. In addition, enhance foods with vitamin D and calcium such as shrimp, crab, fish, milk, spinach, spinach, spinach, jute vegetables, spinach, sesame, soybeans .

- For children who eat formula milk to drink more than 900ml / day: No need to supplement by formula milk formula has full of nutrients about vitamin D, K and calcium for babies. When buying milk, parents should pay attention to these 3 ingredients.

Note: In any case where calcium supplementation is required for newborns to be instructed by a doctor, parents do not arbitrarily supplement the child.
