Nutrition experts reveal 3 types of tonic fish to help children smart, towering IQ


Salmon is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which can promote fetal and child development. It is also rich in vitamins A, B, D, E, and calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and other minerals. Salmon meat is soft, smooth, fragrant and brightly colored, great for weaning

Mom can make many dishes from salmon such as salmon porridge for toddlers, with older children who have eaten raw, she makes more new dishes such as grilled salmon with sauce, salmon soup , pan-fried salmon . to stimulate taste and sight, your baby eats more.

Fruit fish (snakehead fish)

Delicious, lean meat, little bones and river fish should also be safe for babies. Fish meat contains large amounts of protid, lipid, calcium, phosphorus, iron and some other nutrients are very good for babies during weaning.

For babies who just started to eat miles, mother can cook snakehead fish porridge for children. Older children can cook soup or braised rice with rice. The mother should buy some fresh snakehead fish, not too big. Before feeding children, they have to pick up all the bones of the fish, avoiding children to choke.

Basa Frish

This type of fish is high in amino acids and unsaturated fats that are beneficial for brain development in the first years of life. Pangasius meat is very soft and does not cause boredness will help your baby eat better.

Mothers should not give up the fat of basa fish when making weaning foods for babies because this is the place containing the most nutrients and omega-3s.

Experts advise parents how to prepare fish for baby food is still best steamed, boiled, stewed . should not be used fried, grilled.
