Parenting ways counterproductive

Want to reverse the land of sand, Dirt, we say: not allowed to play!

Deprived of the right to the child's play will make the child feel inhibited, the fascinated with nature also gradually "vanish ' as the word dirty. In addition, the mother also prevent perception of children with things, reducing the child's exploration with space, environment around.

Kids like to eat, we say: very Spicy/hot, you don't eat!

Children eat can self awareness. The wrapper too doesn't help little momentum. The child needs to be a full tasting, enough to know spicy feeling, how hot, acrid, the like. Restricted and prohibited the feeding of young children make Wang Jingwei feel stuffy. And also in doubt, behind young parents will not eat.

Older somewhat annoyed, tired, don't want to go to school, don't want medication, we say: now their mother to the hospital doctors injected!

Bring the needle out and doctors "scare" young child never is a good thing. Such as older will more against the doctor and think that the doctor didn't do anything well besides causing the baby to be hurt. When in fact quite the contrary, the doctor and the injections is help children escape the disease and become healthy.

Want to order rice, we say: dirty clothes, broken bat, only to parents exposed to the fast!

Because the mother was "pouring water carry rice", the child will become increasingly passive, do not understand the sense of fun of the autonomy and self-rice, limbs will become redundant and no longer needs to do the chores.

Children go to school, we say: you must listen to the teacher.

The child will no longer dare to hand speaking when not yet out the article, don't dare ask why when the teacher asked. Afraid of her teacher yelled at, I will only know to accept, not creativity, no opinion and ideas of his own.

When I want to wear it yourself what baby love: baby wear something like this

When the older children started liking express themselves through the costume by wearing the outfit, "not the same", parents may feel worried and think that their child may be embroiled in the negative attention.

With this phrase, the child can feel misunderstood and thought her parents don't understand his generation. Worse, the child can feel the parents are trying to restrict their independence. Most children will ignore their parents and continue wearing themselves select, style still on.

With parents, we should remember that when children grow up, they affirm the independence and her personality is completely normal. Maturity means discovering the world. Instead of criticizing, you should explain why some costumes do not fit certain situations and why you don't want me to wear that style.

Kids want the help of parents, you say: not at this time, mom is busy

At times, you are too busy to immediately answer the children and we often use this phrase. However, some children have sexual orientation khướng requires persistent, gan he stinks. The problem is that this phrase comes with the baby that I don't matter to me and that we don't have time for you. That may make the baby more stubborn and even getting past anger known to attract attention.

To avoid this, otherwise it is better to talk frankly with your baby and that her parents wanted to listen to the child's request but at the moment there is the urgent need to resolve. Please give specific appointments with her, such as 5 minutes, I will talk (or do something the child is desired).

Want to help the mother, want to do the work of adults, we nỏi: I, now I just need you to read this book, or go on to study the song go

We have missed a great opportunity to teach your child about responsibility, opportunities for children to be independent and express myself was "extinguished from the egg in the water".

When the cry you say: don't cry anymore, The im right

A mother usually say this when the baby is feeling impatient, nag or weeping Zhao used to permanent hose. Because there is no effective way to handle situations, the easiest way you do often tell children to stop immediately. However this way usually receive results contrary to the expectations of parents. Upon hearing the sentence, the child will feel my parents are out of control and we saw this as an opportunity to continue crying or nag insist what we want.

The best way to stay calm whenever a NAG to happen, especially in a public place, is take children out of the place of the incident, told the children that we will speak with the baby when you stop crying or nag, then ignore the baby until the baby stop crying.

Older score high in the class but she criticized the written word bad, or talking, said leo or selfish, we say: the good school is free, others are not important

Only interested in "school" but forgot to teach you how to "respect", which is not the way to educate a human achievement in the future. Parents are unknowingly makes you forget the personality that only interested talent.

The require parents to buy, we meet the immediately

When growing up, the child will implicitly understand that things are working out their parents to spend for himself.

When you do not listen, we say: If you don't listen, mother severely, leave me alone, I can't eat ....

The child does not listen to need receive sanctions. However, it must be the logical form and true. If we have already said, we have to do, to avoid such threats or threatening condition older bogus things. Long ago, the child will "greasy" with his mother's eventual threats.

Kids learn not good friends, we say: I see you are A go!

So will cause more young connoisseurs inferiority, don't want to try and show that in the eyes of his parents is never good, is perfect.

"Mom says is that" or "I don't care who's pitching, you have to move away" or, "I don't know why, because my mother is your mother".

Sometimes we feel may not tell you that the only thing parents can do is to assert the authority of his parents. When using the word order and demonstrated this power, we remind the children know who is boss and don't have room for the negotiation or in questions.

The child can do the mother when the baby hears this sentence but it also makes them feel unsafe about relationships and his parents. Fact, some, if not most, young will tend not to share everything with her parents.

To avoid this, parents should use the other way: take out the rewards and consequences for the tasks they want you to make or change unwanted behavior. This will reduce the demand of parents and child twit will gradually learn how to follow the instructions when to behave.=
