Runner-up Tu Anh presented how to treat children cough effectively without medicine, any mother can do it

Recently, runner-up Duong Tu Anh shared an extremely useful parenting experience and was supported by many women.

The story is that her 8-month-old son recently had a persistent cough. Because she did not want her to use Western medicine much, Tu Anh also sought natural and safe measures. She shared her experience on coughing children with a mixture of pear juice, rock sugar and ginger.

The method is very simple: Peel the pears and remove the seeds. Ginger washed, peeled. For each type in the juicer or blender to get water. Put pear juice in a saucepan and simmer until thick and thick, then pour ginger juice and rock sugar into stir well, bring to a boil and turn off the heat.

The mixture of pear and ginger juice after cooling just need to put in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator is. Every day, Tu Anh's mother gave her son 2 times, each time using a small spoon of mixed mixture with a little warm water.

Some folk remedies for coughing children effectively:

In addition to curing cough medicines for children with pears, ginger and rock sugar, moms can also refer to some other effective cough remedies from the natural ingredients available in the house.

Chives & rock sugar

Choose about 5-10 chives, cut into small pieces or crushed and then add a little sugar alum, steaming bring water. Then squeeze water for baby to drink 2 times a day, 2-3 times each time.

Lemon seeds & rock sugar

Take 5-6 lemon seeds, 1 teaspoon of alum sugar to the same, crushed. Then add another spoon of filtered water, put in a clean bowl. When the rice ran out of water, the mother put the bowl in until it was cooked. Then take out the bowl, cool, decant the water and feed your baby 4-6 times a day, 1-2 teaspoons each time, he will stop coughing and pepper sputum.

Basil & kumquat

Use about 15-16 basil leaves, rinse, then put together 4-5 green blueberries in a blender. Then put all in the bowl, add enough sugar alum sugar, steam water for 20 minutes. Give your child a drink 1-2 times daily until the cough stops.

Or mom can crush 15-16 basil leaves and mix with 10ml of boiling water, then decant the water for children to drink daily, 2 times a day.

Basil basil spicy, warm, contains essential oils have the effect of eliminating phlegm, detoxifying very well, so can be used to treat cough, sore throat for children.
