See Becks taught me how tough!

Former England army revealed the educational method and the outstanding characteristics of 4 children.

Former master 39 years reveals he always encouraged Brooklyn (15 years), Romeo (11 years) and Cruz (nine) play outside as much as possible. Besides, Becks kids restriction to his house to play games on the computer.

"We set out the time limits for the children when playing games on the computer. Each was to play no more than an hour. I know this may seem strict, but I want my children outside playing, "Becks share.

Becks encourages you outside to play instead of playing games on the computer. Photo: AFP.

Former England's players are happy when his son both loved sports. You're on your way to Brooklyn to pursue a professional football career when ever try to work in some of the CLUBS in the Premier League as MU or Chelsea. You two Romeo also like soccer and karate while you three Cruz are studying taekwondo.

Besides, Becks kids restriction to his house to play games on the computer.

"A good thing for me is the kids are joining the sport, bring back the discipline and health. Brooklyn is the skillful guy. Romeo is a boy Super fast. Cruz, the best little but also is hard to tell, "former England national army said.

About her youngest daughter Harper, Becks revealed since over 3 years old, she is increasingly the favorite Disney animated movie. "My daughter is a huge fan of the movie Frozen", a former star of Real Madrid and MU share more.=
