Share 5 simple steps the new ear piercing care for baby

two weeks ago, her grandmother Porcupine up play saw 6 months old grandchildren that have ear piercing melodies she's raising momentum I hug out hair shampooing right next to ear piercing for Porcupines.


I just ain't heard Porcupine grandmother. She said the safe ear piercing done with big Porcupine and then back to da DAO. Lest you may cry because of pain, so I don't dare to go along. But when he saw her grandmother about the grandchildren I saw closing very fresh the Urchins, feminine and also quite cute. Are worried and asked her grandmother Porcupine new ear piercing care for foreign children have only washing and caring ear. Frankly, at the moment you see her grandmother why job experience or cough. I have applied exactly like how I said grandmother and right ear pierced new Porcupine's not festering or swell.

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Today, I'm boldly share with parents have daughters to experience new pierced ear hygiene.
Step 1: wash your hands thoroughly before you touch the new ear piercing of the child to prevent germs from entering the ear. Step 2: apply the tips to clean your ears for the child. You should do này1 times/day. According to the experience of the Porcupine grandmother my mom just bought a bottle of oil that blind u (sold in drugstores, yes) and lather on 2 times for children.

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Then wait for the oil to infuse the new piercing hole u blind of the new mother baby start pull the cord gently ear piercing for babies to help heal ear hole. Do u blind oil DAB on the new ear 1 week continuously in men. Step 3: rotate the earrings in baby's ears at least 1 time/day to prevent them sticking to your baby's sensitive skin.

Step 4: do not remove the earrings out of baby's new ears pierced until the ear completely normal, no longer swell or irritation. If you remove the earrings soon then the ear can take misfired. You should to cotton in the ears after ear piercing of youngsters in about 6 weeks.

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Step 5: visit the doctor immediately if the young ears swollen, discolored, or pus-filled ... because this could be a sign of infection, causing pain and discomfort for your child.