Should not just teach the illiterate

Currently, there are many parents often just pay attention to the children to go to school was how many points, learned what that less attention to your child's mood, attitude, don't mind watching your child to class, schools have to be fun, not comfortable.

The important thing for the new kids on the layer 1 is monitoring the parents should see surveyor, difficult to share, etc with the other children.

Besides, in the opinion of many teachers have long seniority in the grade 1 pick for that, for routine at home, parents should not be too PM me. Should not make the simple individual tasks will result when the child exposed to the new environment will not know how processing.

To the kid to school, not fear, the parents needed psychological preparation, the soft skills needed for children as eating, dressing, hygiene, or gather personal items ... Which is the necessary life skills need to experience and practice that coach is the parents.

1. Money Management

A life skills important to teach children money management in a reasonable manner. Let's start by making grants for your child. However, the need for a child to know that money is not free to spend as you wish. Furthermore, please be a good mirror. The child will observe your spending and whether you do what you say no.

2. safety

Teach children not to talk to strangers is just one part of teaching them skills of ingenious behavior when going on the road. Make sure that your children know who they can get help in case of emergency when away from home, such as a police officer or teacher. Please always remind the child calm resolve the difficulties with a positive mindset that most people are kind and willing to help.

Teach basic safety measures when you participate in activities, such as waiting for the signal to allow walking at intersections, and wear protective gear while sailing or use the tool.

3. The wise choice

The decision seemed overwhelmed with the child. With the many options in all areas of life, it's hard to know which choice is best. Start teaching your child how to have those options while they were young. A kindergarten child can be the option menu for lunch. Make it simple for older children by making only two options.

As a child growing up, for much more freedom in choosing clothing, travel locations and extracurricular activities. Of course, as a parent you have the right to decide. However, with the child in making decisions can teach children important lessons, such as the decision of the child how to influence others.

4. responsibility

Teach children about responsibility may be a task not easy. Please start teaching a child about responsibility by giving your baby's specific job, such as clean play or bedroom, or is helping parents to wipe the table.

Primary education is still the way you order model. Please only give your baby how to fulfill those commitments by key you complete those things. In addition, many parents find it difficult when to sit back and watch over the children themselves suffer the consequences when not responsibilities. However, the always replace older handle difficult situations will only make them more dramatic on others.=
