Should pregnant mother eat bananas: The benefits and harms brought by bananas she needs to grasp

Benefits when pregnant mothers eat bananas

Good for the nervous system: If a pregnant mother takes a banana a day, she will be provided with about 0.4mg of vitamin B6, which is essential for the metabolism of protein, fat and carbohydrates for the body and mother. In addition, the vitamin B6 component also plays an important role in fetal brain and nervous system development to help the fetus become smarter. Besides, it also helps mothers vote against the situation that leads to insomnia, fatigue, discomfort, and can even cause nervous system disorders.

Prevent cramps: When the mother elects to eat bananas with only one banana per day, the amount of potash that can be obtained can meet 9% of the potassium requirement, which helps the mother vote against the cramps and pain limb pain and some other uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms during pregnancy

Preventing diarrhea in pregnancy: When pregnant mothers eat bananas, they will absorb a lot of water in the body, bananas help prevent diarrhea, good for digestion when pregnant. In addition, bananas are also the ideal savior for pregnant mothers who have morning sickness due to the abundance of B vitamins, making pregnant mothers more healthy.

Consolidate strong bones: Mother elects a banana a day is not one of the most abundant sources of calcium, helps protect strong bones and teeth for pregnant mother and fetus. In bananas, there are many fructooligosaccharides, substances that enhance the body's ability to digest and absorb calcium.

The side effects of eating bananas are not correct

1. Eating bananas is bad for the stomach

Bananas will promote the digestive system to work well when you eat them after a meal for about 1-2 hours.

Do not eat bananas before meals and hungry. Because bananas contain many magnesium.

When you are hungry, your stomach is empty, causing a sudden increase in magnesium levels in your blood, causing an imbalance in your heart and damaging your health.

The abundance of vitamin C in bananas if you take it into your body when you're hungry also causes you to experience stomach pain right away.

2. Eating bananas causes nausea, slow pulse

A banana contains 400mg of potassium, while the body needs 4,700mg of potassium every day. Therefore, do not eat too many bananas at a time to avoid hyperkalemia.

It can cause abnormal heart rhythms, nausea, slower pulse, and even stop the heart.

3. Eating bananas makes your body tired

Eating too many bananas is not good. Because the amount of magnesium found in bananas, if loaded heavily, can cause magnesium poisoning with an external manifestation of fatigue, weakness and diarrhea.

You should only eat bananas with moderate amounts so that magnesium helps relax the muscles in the body.

4. Eating bananas causes headaches

In bananas containing tyramine, phenyethyamine and amino acids can dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow to the brain, easily causing headaches if you eat too much.

In particular, ripe bananas have higher amounts of these substances. Ideally, you should not leave bananas too long or eat ripe bananas.

5. Eat bananas with nerve damage

Vitamin B6 in bananas helps you maintain a healthy nervous system, helping your body disperse carbohydrates and fats.

Eating too many bananas will cause your body to absorb too much vitamin B6, thereby producing toxins, causing damage to your nervous system and crippling limbs, which are very dangerous to health.

6. Eating bananas causes drowsiness

According to scientists, bananas can make seratonin, a substance that makes your body feel sleepy quickly.

So when you need to be alert like driving long distances or taking exams, review lesson . absolutely not eat bananas. You can eat them before bedtime to sleep better.

The pregnant mother eats the banana properly

Bananas have many benefits but it is better to eat 1-2 fruits a day for mother and bees. Do not eat much. This recommendation is based not only on the pests that can be encountered when eating bananas but also on the appropriate diet of the pregnant mother's recommended menu.
