Super surprise discovery about breast milk

Breast milk varies with the sex of the baby

The amount of breast milk when there are boys more often 25% compared with the amount of milk the baby girl's mother.

An interesting secret for moms preparing to give birth. The amount of breast milk when there are boys more often 25% compared with the amount of milk the baby girl's mother. Here is the result after a survey and study of the USDA, an organization that protects the infant United States Federal Republic.

Mothers raising children with milk are often more aggressive

According to research by Dr. Jennifer Hahn Holbrook and colleagues, the mothers from their milk source tend to become aggressive twice with groups of mothers to baby formula milk drinking outside or have never become pregnant. In addition, their blood pressure also increased less.

Mother's milk changes according to the weather

The amount of water the milk of early feeding changes according to the weather in each kick. If the hot sunny mother's body will produce more milk than usual to have enough water for baby love, guarantee she's not thirsty in hot, humid weather of the summer.

Breast milk is not different

Breast milk is always changing and not the milk of the mother would like her mother.

Breast milk is always changing and not the milk of the mother would like her mother. Even the milk of a mother can also change and vary during the day. Morning milk also different than milk in the afternoon or evening.

Lactating mom needs more water

Breastfeeding mom lick more thirsty than usual. The expert on children said that the sisters should drink a glass of water before each full filter for baby feeding. So just milk for you, just make sure you don't suffer from thirst during the breastfeeding baby.

Infants can go wait for the mother's milk of

This is a very interesting and especially not that parents would know well. At birth, the child's stomach is extremely small, no larger than a bladder ve. Thus, if from 1 to 5 on top of that breast milk is not yet on, the parents also don't worry. Just 1-2 drops of milk fell from the mother's milk has elected feel sated the hungry and the mother can love peace of mind wait for breast milk.

The drops of milk start is called colostrum, is rich in protein and energy, entirely appropriate for the baby. If my sister born babies in the hospital and holds the spirit 100% custody with mother's milk, let the doctor and relatives know that. Don't feel anxious when a few days early breast milk yet about, well don't worry that the baby will be hungry. Baby not suck a drop of milk in addition would pending breast milk, it is absolutely not necessary.

Girls baby accessories before the age of 20 at least for breast cancer

The first child born to women and mothers before the age of 20 years, the risk of breast cancer is reduced by about half.

Modern science has proven that specific if the woman born first child and breastfeeding before the age of 20 years, the risk of breast cancer is reduced by about half compared with non-child birth or born after 30 years.=
