The 40-year-old single mother raised 44 children, the truth behind many people shed tears.

Of Mariam's 44 children, 38 are alive. Most of the children stayed with her at her home in Mukono district.

Mariam is a single mother. Although she has to raise many children, she still manages to have enough money to buy food for her children, including contributions from the community. Of course, Mariam's life was very difficult.

She had to get married from 12 years old. At that time, the stepmother tried to kill 4 sisters by crushing the glass into food.

However, Mariam survived. She was then forced to marry a 28-year-old man.

When she returned home with her husband, Mariam was abused by her husband whenever she did or said something that made him dislike. 'My husband married many wives and had many children with past relationships. I have to take care of the children because their mother left. My husband is a brute and often beat me whenever he has a chance, 'recalls Mariam.

The miserable life of a 40-year-old mother raising 44 children

She first gave birth to a baby in 1994, when she was only 13 years old. That time was a pair of twins. Nearly two years later, she gave birth. Although this was unusual, Mrs. Mariam did not feel strange.

She said that her father had many wives and gave him up to 45 children. All her siblings are twins, triplets, births and have a year of birth, according to Oddity Central.

'Mariam's case may be hereditary, causing more ovulation in a cycle, increasing the likelihood of multiple births,' the Daily Monitor quoted gynecologist Charles Kiggundu at Mulago Hospital (Uganda).

Mariam had dreamed of having six children. But by the sixth birth, she had 18 children. By the age of 23, Mariam had 25 children. Since Mariam was no longer with her husband, many of Mariam's children did not know her father.

It ended in 2016, when Mariam said that the doctor had 'cut her uterus from the inside'. Dr. Kiggundu believes that it is most likely the tubal ligation method, according to Oddity Central.

Adolescent pregnancies are easy to give birth to malformed children

Experts recommend early pregnancy in adolescents causing many dangerous complications as follows:

The age of minors is set to be 10-19 years of age, divided into three periods as minor, middle and large. In adolescence, developing children are developing physiological, so pregnancy at this stage causes many physical and mental harms, most worrying is health, You can take your life at any time.

And yet, the child was born from a teenage mother who is very vulnerable to malnutrition, respiratory failure and many other diseases stemming from weak resistance. The cause of this phenomenon is due to the maternal reproductive apparatus in the stage of adolescent incomplete, not ready for childbirth, so the fetus is prone to suffocation in the uterus.

In addition, both mother and baby are at risk of micronutrient deficiencies in the process of pregnancy stemming from adolescent psychology, fear, and ignorance. Since then, it is easy for the child to be born with birth defects.
