The parents not be cooked together

Taboo animal liver carrot, vegetables need

Absolutely do not use carrots, vegetables cooked with sautéed liver need animals or eating vegetables, tubers after ate the liver of animals. The reason is in the liver of animals, concentrations of copper, iron and other metal elements. The metal ion is very easy to make vitamin C in vegetables, tubers, this fruit is oxidized and lose efficiency. Besides vegetables, tubers, fruit contains oxalic acid and cellulose substances much affect iron absorption in the body of the child.

Pig liver sprouting Proofing

The scientists analyzed 100 g pork liver seen with 2, 5 mg of copper and sprouting in many vitamin c. If feeding the pig liver and reviews at the same time or in time near each other will do the vitamin C oxidized. Results, the excess fluid will not tonic.

Hydrophobic cow milk sour fruits (oranges, tangerines)

Cow's milk contains more protein, which makes up 80% of cazeine substances. When mixed or drinking cow's milk along with the sour juice will make the adhesive, cazeine substances deposited did for indigestion and digestive disorders. If children drink long would be very sick this disease causing shortness of breath, methemoglobin, cyanosis and risk causing the child to death.

Taboo tomato sweet potato/potato

Sauteed tomatoes Cook together sweet potatoes or potato very hazardous to health. The reason is the sour contains many chemicals, along with sweet potatoes in the stomach will form the substance of very easily lead to indigestion, abdominal pain; diarrhea and digestive disorders in children.

Carrot beet Proofing

Cooked carrots with turnips are usually very delicious, sweet baby like water, but this combination has no benefit for the child in terms of nutrition. In the carrots contain enzymes that can destroy vitamin C. Therefore, the amount of vitamin C in radish also will be destroyed completely when eaten with the carrots.

Chicken egg-proofing pig brains

No less mesmerizing young brains fried or steamed pork dish with chicken eggs. And this is also the dish was more mom or the processing for you enjoy most. However, few parents know that children eat eggs with pig brains will increase blood cholesterol.

Honey boiled water proofing

Honey could drink with warm water to increase the resistance for good. But if the honey mixed with water is not even good.

Honey with enzymes, vitamins and minerals. If fused with boiling water, will not be able to maintain the color, natural inclusions, but also break the nutritional composition of honey. So, the best water temperature to 35 degrees C is the honey together.

Spinach shrimp Proofing

Beans, sweet potatoes and spinach are the foods that contain a lot of Phytic acid.  This acid will link with the calcium in the body to form salts. The result is calcium not absorbed into the body of that baby even because of health reasons, young body will "banish" the salt compound of this new form of waste. So, if I buy the shrimp, crab or seafood for the moment that the baby should avoid are beans, tofu, sweet potato and vegetable spinach. If not will just waste.

Milk chocolate-Proofing

The milk contains more calcium and protein, while the chocolate contains oxalic acid. Two things are mixed together, the oxalic acid will combine with calcium and calcium oxalate creates insoluble in water-substances that can cause diarrhea, dry hair and other symptoms affecting the growth and development of the body.

Pork soy Proofing

According to the opinion of the experts in nutrition, pork and soybeans should not incorporate when processing food. Soy is one of the foods rich in nutrition with 60-80% of the phosphorus is so when combined with soy pork processing in the same dish, phosphorus concentrations in legumes will likely do a discount nutritional value of pork, especially when the more lean meat. With older weaning or just eat lean meat, if my mother cooked pork along with soy for children will be free.

Freshwater anchovy-proofing station

With the big baby, preschool, when said drink Coke is often very passionate. Many claim the mother baby rice meal must have a carbonated new side suffered. Eat and drink fresh water. How the dimension is so wrong. Drink fresh water while eating the rice will dilutes room, hinders the operation of the child food contractions because long gradually will lead to gastritis.=
