The vitamin D rich foods help children grow in height

Vitamin D is a type of vitamins needed by the body, stimulates calcium absorption, bone development, cell growth control, ensure the nervous function, immune function and reduce inflammation. A deficiency of vitamin D can lead to rickets is common in young children.

Vitamin D is oil soluble, which means you need to eat fat to absorb it. Vitamin D naturally have a lot of fish oil, fat, fish, beef liver, cheese, egg yolk and some types of fungi. Vitamin D is produced naturally by the body when you skin exposed to the Sun. In addition, vitamin D is also in many foods such as milk and orange juice or foods are nutritional supplements. Below is a list of foods that contain high vitamin D content.

If unable to absorb Vitamin D from sunlight to a minimum of 15 minutes per day then please supplement the following Vitamin D rich foods into your baby's diet, the mother nhé!

Fresh milk

Goat's milk and cow's milk is a source of Vitamin D and calcium is good for the bones. Goat's milk provided 31% of Vitamin D is necessary for the body every day also cow's milk provides about 50%. You should choose organic milk or low fat.

The researchers point out that vitamin D in milk has anti aging capabilities, so please add milk to your baby's daily menu.

The soy/almond

Bean or almond milk contains more calcium and Vitamin D milk. Two glasses of whole milk each day will provide adequate intake of Vitamin D is necessary for the body. You can drink it directly or add to smoothies, coffee and homemade biscuits.


Cheese is one of the products made from milk are rich in vitamin d. vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium from cheese, thereby increasing the intensity of healthy bones and prevent osteoporosis results. Moreover, the presence of vitamin D in the cheese is very useful for strengthening oral health and avoid tooth decay.

Egg yolks

The egg is a food rich in vitamin D, especially egg yolks. The egg contains 10% Vitamin D you need each day and also is a source of iron, protein and colin help supplement for the body and the brain.

Moreover, the eggs also reduces the risk of cataracts as well as stimulate hair grows faster.


Tofu and fermented soy foods are rich in calcium and Vitamin d. It can provide up to 39% of the amount of vitamin D the body need a day with only one cup servings. This is also a good source of protein for health.

Shiitake mushrooms

In addition to has fewer calories, the fungus is also the dish is popular thanks to the taste, shape and a large amount of nutrients, particularly vitamin d. Photo illustration

Shiitake mushrooms contain about 4% of the amount of Vitamin D the body needs each day, is higher than other vegetables. Meanwhile, it only contains 30 calories per serving. In addition, the fungi are all excellent sources of vitamin D due to the absorption of sunlight to grow.

Moreover, the fungus has fewer calories, the fungus has the ability to lower blood pressure, help lose weight, control the migraine, and sustain the process of metabolism.


The shrimp and the types of lobster-like crustaceans contain very high Vitamin D content, amounting to 290% of the amount of Vitamin D the body needs every day in just ½ Cup servings.

You can be processed in several ways such as pan, baking, cleaning to rich dishes. This also is good food for the brain, rich in protein, contains no fat.


The herring is less fishy fish, eating very healthy, white meat, less fat, eat very fattening and is one of the many fish viatmin D.

With more than 952 IU vitamin D only in a cup of herring, fish rich in this nutrient is an essential food in a healthy diet. Especially the Atlantic herring are more profitable than the fish in Pacific herring processing all the way are not degrading the amount of vitamin D provided to the body.


Fact, the salmon is one of the sources contain vitamin D and essential fatty acids are very rare. This type of fish to help improve the functioning of the brain and nervous system protection. It acts as an anti-depressant and thus aid in helping the brain relaxation, increase the performance of the brain and improve memory.

Canned tuna

Canned tuna contains a large amount of vitamin D. Therefore, they are very beneficial in protecting against Tan and skin conditions such as skin cancer. Moreover, this food will help add humidity, very helpful in moisturizing the skin and make the skin become smooth naturally.

Cod liver oil

Cod liver oil is widely known as the source of a large amount of vitamin d. fish oil has the ability to improve the condition of the heart and cardiovascular system. Moreover, it assists in strengthening the activity of muscles and the elasticity of the blood vessels. The studies showed cod liver oil help to reduce high cholesterol levels in the blood and blood-thinning, which reduces the risk of clogged arteries.

The cooked liver

Perhaps not many people know that the liver is there a source of vitamin D for the body. Although all the foods such as beef liver, chicken liver, veal liver and contain a large amount of vitamin D, but the calf's liver has the highest vitamin D levels among them. Calf's liver is not useful for the development of bones but also help for healthy hair, skin and promotes cell regeneration.=
