The younger the baby, the mother of much drooling following treatment.

(Phunutoday)-children under 4 years of age displayed the oven tip is normal range, but if you have so many ranges of flow may also due to some other cause.

Why youngsters drooling? Drooling can mean the flow of saliva from the mouth of young surplus production or when saliva cannot be kept under the control of the oral cavity.

Children under 4 years of age displayed the oven tip is normal range, but if you have so many ranges of flow may also due to some other cause.


Drooling is a common problem in children and mainly appear in children who have neurological problems. If under age 4, children are drooling normal. But from the age of 4 onwards, the child still flows much drool at this then be considered extraordinary.

Excessive drooling in children can also cause allergies, infections. Why youngsters were drooling? Drooling is not a serious disorder unless your baby melted much drool excessively. If seen in a long time, your baby is still constantly drooling, please consult your doctor about pediatric cases of your child. Any of the following conditions can cause children to be drooling.

If under age 4, children are drooling normal. But from the age of 4 onwards, the child still flows much drool at this then be considered extraordinary.
Teething causes can first think of when the child runs more drool. With the dermal papilla of a new tooth, children will experience certain discomfort and started drooling excessively.
Some of the symptoms of teething in babies that you can get to know as: chewing everything in reach, irritability, lack of sleep, restlessness or perhaps a fever.

Allergic rhinitis There are about 10-20% of children with allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis has 2 types: allergic rhinitis, seasonal or perennial allergic rhinitis. The symptoms of allergic rhinitis in children include sneezing, itchy nose, itchy eyes and throat, watery eyes.

Teething causes can first think of when the child runs more drool. With the dermal papilla of a new tooth, children will experience certain discomfort and started drooling excessively.


If you see the child has the symptoms above and attached flow more range then please take children to the pediatrician to consultations and treatment.

Cerebral Cerebral palsy is a disorder of brain or seen in children below 3 years of age. It is accompanied by loss of condition of motor function and muscle spasms.

The child has congenital brain problems, jaundice, head injury and birth defects can cause cerebral palsy. Due to this disorder, children may be drooling a lot. In addition, drooling in children due to a number of other causes such as infections, viral infections, congenital lesions, facial paralysis and disorders of foot and mouth.

Cerebral palsy is a disorder of brain or seen in children below 3 years of age. It is accompanied by loss of condition of motor function and muscle spasms.

Treatment of drooling in children like? 1. You can treat the phenomenon of drooling in kids by some medications below. However, it is important that before for medication, you must make sure that brought the children to visit the doctor carefully and under the strict guidance of a pediatrician with experience and expertise. -Atropine sulfate: is a drug given to reduce drooling and other fluids in the bronchus. The drug side effects depends on dose. Side effects of the medication you need to note is: drying of the nose, mouth and slow heart rate. Therefore, the recommended that when using this medication you should not be used in combination with other drugs some easy pose a risk to the child.

You can treat the phenomenon of drooling in kids by some medications below. However, it is important that before for medication, you must make sure that brought the children to visit the doctor carefully

-: Glycopyrrolate is a drug that reduces the secretion of saliva in children. Common side effects of this medication include constipation and dry mouth. If the child was drooling or add any other digestive diseases, it is recommended that should not drink this medicine. 2. In addition to taking medication, you can also cure drooling in infants by caring for the child's teeth. Good oral hygiene for children is the action required to prevent the drooling.

In addition to taking medication, good oral hygiene for children is the action required to prevent the drooling.


Please clean the teeth and gums of the mouth for a child with a clean rag. Then, young oral massage gently with your fingertips can help reduce the discomfort when teething children.=
