Tips or help her fear of injections

Saw the child crying, screaming or fear to the furniture in the room is feeling vaccinations without parents would like to undergo but they can not be avoided when putting your injection.

Do kids lose focus

This simple but makes the child baptised, not paying attention to the shots and inadvertently reduce the pain to the child. Even small variations can also eliminate many problems. You can use a new toy to lure young, pointed out a painting on the wall, ABC, told me something funny or simply just blow her pay attention ...

Pretend cough

A study in 2010 in the journal Pediatrics shows that perform the "ho" once before and in the course of vaccinations to help decrease the pain response in children ages 4 and 5 as well as ages 11 and 12. The doctor also said that with children above 3 years old we can imagine that they are blowing the candles birthday cake, thus reduce the sensation of pain. So when preparing the injection, you can manipulate the child instance blow into a pinwheel, or anything you can think of at the time.

Its available at least sugar or sweet candy

An analysis of 2010 are published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood study the influence of the older 1-12 months old, try using a small amount of the solution to "sweet" sweet like candy or sugar before vaccination, resulting in 13 of the 14 infants cried little research experiment than older not used. The sugar solution brings more benefits than adverse effects that cause tooth decay that the parents still feed the child, and the prohibition or obviously it does have drawbacks or side effects to vaccination.

Turn on cartoons

What could be more glamorous than the playful cartoon characters, vibrant on the screen? A study by the University of Georgia announced in the journal of Pediatric psychology shows that children feel less pain when a nurse turned on cartoons in the process of vaccinating.

"Any distraction technique, whether it's animation, video game, or an attraction that would also help reduce the feeling of pain for children", a doctor said. If the doctor does not have a TV in the room, you can bring your laptop or Laptop to watch DVD support.

Use of anesthetic products, spot cooling

Anesthesia cream, can relieve pain caused by vaccinations in children. A study in 2003 showed that the baby was EMLA cream balm before vaccinating the less painful than the baby not be smeared. You can find buy many creams on the market for anesthesia can obliterate the cream an hour before the vaccination help the cream works well.

The only soothers

Pacifiers can help children feel more comfortable in many cases. A small test of the University of Michigan shows that pacifiers may reduce the pain for infants before, during and after inoculation. And dipping pacifiers in a sugar solution can also bring about more efficient. After vaccination, breastfeeding or entrapment soothers also helps reduce the time your baby's cry.

Pick your child's favorite toys

A favorite toy bring also the dose "sedation" helps baby to forget fear and pain when injected.

Don't lie is not drugged part pain. You speak truth that injections also hurt little part, but going through right now. While you're vaccinated, be calm and gentle mother embracing son, soothe the child. Can promise to reward you a dish you like because you have real wisdom and injections, pills are very good.=
