Vietnamese parents teach kids how the Western-style independence?

The children)-in the West, the responsibility to teach your child how something is entirely due to her parents. His paternal grandparents were never direct foreign intervention in the teaching.[links]I have yet to have a family but many years of study in France, living with the family, I saw the young parents learning experience should teach their children.

I think that, when the parents adopt the measures Vietnam taught me artfully Western-style and know your self, reconcile established a way early and step on a way of life full of initiative.

1. do the work

If given to France or any of the Western countries would, I think many parents would rather stunned and to greater publicity about the label because of the way parenting .

I have yet to have a family but many years of study in France, living with the family, I saw the young parents learning experience should teach their children.

All things large and small personal related you like to eat in, wear, sleeping, they are training for children to Groove on it.

All have to prioritize computer self-awareness the top.

Thus, the Western moms are ready for your self time adapted to the self-awareness eating sleeping right now.

The ego self, then stood up, you eat, self-feeding though scattered also. Children wearing the self dressed, though can be dressed to the left.

2. Teach spiritual beings to work or play in groups

In Western countries, even as a child, the child has to be taught how to play parents or work.

When the kids play together, fight or incident, the parents they never interfere. They grouped themselves that they like.

When the kids play together, fight or incident, the parents they never interfere.

3. My parents never defended when your child wrong

When your child wrong, though known to the penalty or the parents will be very hurt. But my parents never defended Western when their child was wrong. They also never tempted to spend in front of their home when young children fall or hurt themselves. Except at the pain too, then they ask you to give the pain quickly forgotten.

Thus, the Western child still at hard to tell but often never know food as a child. If you know the error, you will know yourself sorry without yelling at the mine.

4. He she never intervened in teaching children

In the West, the responsibility to teach children how totally do her parents. His paternal grandparents have never been foreign interference in teach me.

Western parents never defended when their child was wrong.

If you see how questionable parenting, grandparents will just prompt thanks to her parents when the child is not present. In particular, when members of the family conflict, stress atmosphere, they are also very rarely to reveal the contradictions in front of children.

5. Talk to your child as an adult

However, between parents and children are always tough but they are still very close and loving each other.

Often the right from when the new baby 1 year old, my parents have always taught and talked to me like a great person and friend.

Because of the perceived you as an adult should they always be fair, respectful children.

They always taught me to be responsible with his job done, the sense of the spending, value for money or food.  =
