What makes a great mothers

Should not think too much

When just born baby is done, you will feel extremely happy. But you always worry how to care for the child properly, or how to be developed in a comprehensive manner.

This is the General mentality of the young mother so you don't need to worry. Take time at the party so much heart, baby, a mother's instinct will show you how to care for your little angel.

Along with the baby eats at least one meal per day

With the mothers work, then packed the same breakfast with baby is unsolvable task. For lunch, you eat outside should not count, only the dinner is the time to gather with family. This is also your opportunity to be close to the baby.

Taking the time for the

Not have any toy that can compensate for your baby when you are absent. So, you spend most of your time to the side of kid in the first months and played with her during her childhood. This will be the Foundation for future relationship of mother and baby.

Don't let your mood affects your child

Even when you take the time to completely in the party, it will be worthless when you're excited, angry or frustrated.

You know you have the most influence to children during this time? The baby is usually very sensitive to the mood, feelings of the mother. So, to the best possible development, you should not let her mood affect children.

Try to answer the questions of my lovely fool

When children learn to talk, my mother used to ask stupid questions as: "why the sky is blue again?" or "why your dog has four legs like mom?".

The question is repeated often makes you feel uncomfortable and frustrating. But you need to keep calm in the moment like this. You do not need to answer the scientifically correct, for all of your questions, but please make sure that you do not limit the imagination and creativity of children by getting children to keep silent.

Avoid keeping the Thai way too

Always protect your child's sexual orientation as well as a mother's instinct. But sometimes if you protect the overuse will interfere with the independent development of the baby.

In much of the time, you ought to learn and realize the mistakes of ourselves. The first lesson will follow her throughout the long road ahead, when the baby's face to the world at large.

Don't try to do all things

You might want to be a perfect mother, a "mother", but you should know your limits and only help baby when really needed. When tired you can thanks to my husband, parents, siblings or close friends to care and help the baby. If you just try to help little while are tired then can results will be much worse.

Cherish the moments

Sometimes because of too busy or because of a reason that you forget to enjoy great moments. When in the party, you don't get too preoccupied should say anything, do anything to understand his feelings. It is best you should relax in comfort and enjoy the precious moments because it will never come back.

To understand the psychology of the

You should not too impose their thoughts on the to get started you must do this or that. Always listen to what you say, by the thoughts of a child and in the light of the need of parents to understand and accept.

The first-time mothers who have children often feel quite confused and surveyor because there are too many advice or opinions different from the people around them as well as on the internet. In this situation, the parents should know how selective the valuable experience from practice, has high efficiency that matters most is not harmful to the baby.

Establish clear and consistent rules

The kids need to know what's allowed and what's not, and when they do something right. Therefore, you need consistency in the merit punishment. If not, the child will not know what good-bad will happen when they do a job.

Dating with baby

It sounds strange but if you know how to create the chat sessions in the pool, cool will also very interesting with the baby. You can walk around baby fist along the Lake, sit a stone for her hair plaited or simply playing catch-up at the same baby blue grass ... These activities help baby strengthen physically fit help refreshing spiritual mother.

Listen to your child

Can you know the who know how important listening in everyday life, but you should also understand that it is also necessary not least in the mount with his son. Just listen to what you're told, though for you at that tired or busy to you guys. It's great when your open heart and says the Center , you should encourage your child to continue sharing such thoughts.=
