What to do when your child or argue?

The cause would lead to reciprocal kids, argue against parents

Do the parents have not changed according to the child's physical development: the new age of big and are set to do that my parents still use the principles of education as for when my child.

Between the parents and the children along the scramble for power: parents easy-to-anger and more like to assert his authority because the thought that I'm being insulted, being challenged when you don't take actions or words. On the other hand the children like to be independent, to be respected and equality as adults that are not controversial, should try against the ego of the change itself.

To the education of children does not occur the tension, worsen the relationship of parents and children in the family, need to apply many measures and has the perseverance.

However, parents can also apply the following behavior:

Down the fire and to calm

How to handle himself calmly, not what else is slightly deeper and take a really long exhale. Although very wants, at the time, you shalt not response immediately. For your children when kids are up will cause the true feeling of discomfort, and you can react quickly in a negative way. . At this time, you can ignore. But only in the sense is "temporarily to, following" ...

Parents should use gentle words to respond to you, avoid angry and used expletives to questions, questioning, and imposed the House makes kids

No debate about the requirements with which only set out the brief sentence: parents do not want? But hope? When? And if not, then what?

Self analysis

You take the analysis view, you treat the have the right rules out between you and your child? For example, why you talk to and the young General? Is it because the earlier you talk to both 4, 5 times but it's still been playing, didn't "move" or not? Rather than due to fatigue, because of pressure of work caused anything open your mouth as you, a child generally how ridiculous? Only when confirmed to be the "genuine" in his actions, you can find a way to "punish" the attitude of thinking the lack of response.

Conversely, if indeed you feel you were treated to the ridiculous, the General has no basis ... then also take a look at getting a fair way. Children are sensitive to fairness and also only on the basis of fairness, democracy in the relations between parents and children, new friends made a "password recovery center" in children.

Analysis for children

Select a time of day to back to this topic. Note that "day" and not to the job passed to both the new week recalls. For example, that night, before sleep. You read to the hearing, or the Center with his ...

Let's start with a real emotional way and also natural. Do not create the feeling, you've waited until now to "analysis to sexual harassment" with the child. Possible, such as by the way remember, you say: "Oh, this baby, that's the afternoon, eat out at her mother, eldest practitioner ' mother shouted to? Should I tell my child to have deaf..? ".

First, proved sympathetic to you, that Yes, I have somewhat generalised to the whole head aches do, huh. But, do you know why? If the mother called the child several times that the right, then the mother has no background to it. I want to be louder, I don't know when this pain the neck, broad, and very tired, frustrating or General person or is prone to ill. ..

The children are doing adults, they are sensitive to fairness, also known thanks to function when receiving sympathy and share from the adults. They will listen to, and immediately can't hug you but sorry right, also do not require the one way already: "I know the error? Sorry, mom! ", but please believe that, with the way he spoke, they listened to, understood, and had to be somewhat ...

If you find yourself with the ridiculous, and the child's response is plausible, also don't hesitate to get the error.

Given the Convention, guidelines, limits in the communication between parents and children to avoid conflict

Parents and children can join the Convention. If the parents too hot-tempered, you say something to the parents recognize and stop, and if the children are too limited to allow, parents need to remind to terminate immediately. The introduction of this principle should be the response and made from 2 sides. Parents should not be imposed on children in all situations.

Do not impose

When baby begins to "argue" that parents are not just signs "headstrong" or "damaged" as parents often think, that also is a sign of maturity. Your baby begins to learn to think independently, to know the link things parents say, the parents set out principles with reality, know mimic the you, demanding to know what the "right the wrong," in a clear, rigid, and logic. So, instead of frustrating, mad, you take ... take do rejoice. And from there, be more careful in Word, the Fed said, pay attention to the words and the making of you "match up" with each other.

Want you to at least have the "condition" kids are the most important, the controversy is a parent adjust the behavior of his treatment. General Survey, not impose, they must consider the opinions of most parents, is ... debatable. Let the baby have been "right to participate".=
