5 flat-bellied slender waist for action

Flat round 2 new confidence doldrums an bikini Scorpions late. Every day 20 minutes with 5 basic movements of the same weights, you will get what you want.

If there is no give, can be replaced with 2 water bottle, each bottle 1 liter capacity. Or not, you can not set, this exercise still exert great effects .

With 5 movements below, each of the movements in 1 minute, episode 2 weekly and then break after 10 minutes, then continue 2 weekly. Just 20 minutes of exercise every day, you will have waist like Italy.

5 very simple movements:

1. Screw the people from low to high, from left to right

Foot infections, leaned to the left, hold the barbell on the outside of your left foot.

-Breathe evenly and put people under diagonal from left to right, from bottom to top, stopping when the dumbbells in the upper right. At this time, the overwhelming emphasis on the right foot.

2. Tilt the hull sides

-Hold the barbell above his head, two arms close to the ears.

-Stretch the body and tilted slowly to your spine to bend to right. Back to upright posture, and repeat the movement with the left. Note that you must hold the fixed the hips when bending.

3. Leg

-Breathe out to the abdominal muscles are relaxed then kick left leg high up in parallel with the ground, put your right hand out, left foot on the nose touches can rotate slightly.

-Repetition of movements with the rest of the party.

4. Lift the fillet party

-Start with moderate leg infection posture, hold the barbell with your right hand.

-Pull the elbows up, turn to the right. Perform continuous movements for 30 seconds, then change sides.

5. Rotate the giving circle on top of the

-The foot stand wider than the hips, the knees loose. Hold the dumbbells above your head with both hands.

-Keep the abdominal muscles and back muscles fixed, rotate the dumbbells into the circle on the top. Your ribs may move a bit, but the hips should be retained. After 30 seconds, the direction of the island.

Please continue to monitor the fitness exercises on the Beautiful Online Beauty Magazine's youtube channel and to reference the form fit workout body needs nh=
