9 How to mold a mouth always beautiful

Beauty salon)-mouth is one of the first places on the face will show the signs of aging. Although wrinkles are a factor of the process and cannot be completely removed, but you can minimize them by taking care of yourself.[links] The Sun:P slightly too much sunshine for a long time is one of the main causes of wrinkles around the mouth and other places.

Radiation of ultraviolet rays break down the collagen and elastin reduces makes the structure of the skin is no longer solid and appears wrinkled.

Smoking: The skin around the mouth and lips are quite sensitive areas should the smoke will slow the body's collagen production, causing the wrinkles on the skin. The move followed the smoking habit over time is also the cause of wrinkles.


Gum: according to a report published on Womenshealth.gov, chewing gum can increase bad wrinkled skin around the mouth. Repetitive chewing motion is the main cause of the formation of wrinkles in this area. Mood: Your mood cause different emotions on the faces are also considered to be a cause of the wrinkles. If you frowned, thinking much or you are always in a State of stress ... that is the "candidate" good for the wrinkles anywhere. Wrinkle reduction recipes 1. Sunscreen Wrinkles will continue to worsen if you don't protect your skin against the harmful effects of the Sun. Use sunscreen containing SPF 15 ingredients before makeup.

2. Change of lifestyle Quit is not only good for health but it also minimises the harmful effects of aging. If is habit, take down the determination of decreasing the amount of cigarette smoke put into your body each day to minimize the appearance of wrinkles. Avoid stress, get enough sleep is also a way to help get your skin refreshed. 3. Nutrition Good nutrition can resist damage to skin cells. According to Karen Burke, a doctor of Dermatology in New York, you can promote the health of your skin by using a balanced diet full of fruits, grains and vegetables. Daily use of vitamin E may also support the skin recovery. Additional collagen products for the body such as soybeans, green vegetables, nuts ... is an effective measure to reduce wrinkles around the mouth.


4. Drink lots of water Water is the most natural way to care for your skin. Drink at least 2 liters of water each day. Water will keep your skin smooth and keep the humidity, which is the chance to help dry and wrinkled skin. 5. Anti aging cream One of the easiest ways to remove wrinkles around the mouth is using anti-aging creams. Choose the type of ice cream made from oral retinoids. Retinoids will promote the development of skin cells, the skin will smooth and minimize the appearance of wrinkles. 6. Scrubs

Exfoliate the area around mouth with products that contain alpha-hydroxy acid ingredients. Over time, skin exfoliation will reduce wrinkles around the mouth by removing old skin cells and produce new skin.

7. natural face mask

Hardly the kind of masks are pretty good and safe with da song butter is sort of a good mask to reduce wrinkles. Mash avocados and up onto the face. Relax for 15 minutes to absorb the butter in nutrients to the skin then rinse.

8. exercise for face Exercise for the face can also decrease and prevent wrinkles. Gently place 2 fingers between your two hands in the middle of the middle of your upper lip staff. The rest of the 2 thumb, you glide under the Chin and upper lip. Attention, all the end point of the thumb are sliding down the oral section. Repeat 10 times. Take the fingers of two hands gently massage into the middle of the lower lip to the outside lip contour. The finger rest massaged for the Chin while both of you are tight mím. So, you slide your finger towards 2 s mouth. Repeat 10 times. 9. the use of modern technology Botox: Botox is a common way to solve the wrinkles around the mouth. Botox is derived from a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum. When injected into the muscles below the mouth, botox paralyzes facial muscles reduces wrinkles underneath, preventing wrinkles formation. Chemical peels: Try a kind of chemical peels. It may be a good option for you if that small wrinkles. Chemical peels will peel away the top layer of the skin, remove wrinkles and skin imperfections. However should be careful if you have sensitive skin. Super abrasive techniques: This technique will handle and remove the top layer of skin at all. When developing new skin will become smooth and have no wrinkles. But to have the full results and skin recovery can take up to several months.

Laser: Can laser treatment is considered quite good for wrinkles around the mouth as it can treat the wrinkle layer deep under the skin. Use the laser will spend less time and yield high results. However should consult a doctor before using any technology. Wrinkles around the mouth of the women more than men. If the drill you will see wrinkles around the mouth of the little male over females. In 2009, the Dutch physician who has published in his "aesthetic surgery" the cause of this phenomenon. Sebaceous glands around the lips of women less than men, which means that the skin will rapidly flowing paste than men when we grow old. Women also have fewer blood vessels on the lips that is also less blood flow, especially women menopause. At the same time the muscles around the mouth of the women "intimacy" with more skin, the skin will be vulnerable to stretch the lead to formation of wrinkles.=
