Distorting the face, disfiguring because injections of fillers

This woman had recounted the pain when her face was distorted, deformed after a doctor surgically injected fillers the wrong location on the face causing severe infections.

 Deformed face, fillers constitute u.

8 year ago she decided to try treatments that remove wrinkles in a cosmetic base in London after seeing an ad online. However, a few years later, the chemicals start running lost seats around her face, causing depression bulge at the position on the face.

She hopes her story will be a warning to everyone.

She hopes her story will be a warning to everyone, at the same time tips everyone should know when to go to the decision.

Previous scientific studies reveal, injected fillers can cause unpredictable consequences in the case of patients with autoimmune disease, allergy or sensitivity to the composition of substances, infection due to inflammation, pregnancy and lactation. After it is injected into the body, the effect of fillers are also not last permanently as many believe and when used will have periodic injections every year 1-2 times if not deformed appearance.=
