'Stopping' the phenomenon of aging skin by massaging methods

According to the doctor of Oriental medicine, massage the face skin regularly helps stimulate blood end week, removing toxins and excess sebum, skin lightening fast and effectively prevent wrinkles. Especially with women outside the age of 25, this operation is necessary to maintain a youthful glow to your skin. Here are some basic massage manipulation helps you stop the phenomenon of skin aging effectively.

1. Regular massages for eyes

The skin around the eye is particularly sensitive and therefore prone to wrinkles and small granular. Serve of lymph nodes help fight the consequences on. Take a day serve, located between the fingers (where the membranes between fingers) in 10 seconds. A little breather and changed hands. This is a very easy operation and good performance. Every day you just spent a bit of time practicing for the eye muscles to help them from getting aches. If done regularly for sure you will feel the difference.

Or you can handle the following:

You use the 3 middle finger lightly at the intersection between the eyebrows and eyes are relaxed to light the day after the long time of operation. Lightweight hand claws from the forehead down, then reverse claws from the eyebrows up hair to reduce wrinkling the forehead.

Every day done 2 times: the morning after the wake, and dinner before going to bed

2. Practicing Massage for muscles of the mouth

Use 2 hands to section 2 from the claws of the mouth, then reverse claws from the chin up 2 s mouth. Perform each operation about 10 times.

3. facial Massage

Facial massage which does not simply use the massage massage hand face up that need to be done the right way, properly if not can do the fast skin were sagging and wrinkled.

You do the following: Use your thumb and middle finger of your hands lightly up the frontal region, close to the hairline. From from lightly down the hair down to the legs. Two palms face downward on the sides of the cheeks so that the two sides in the wrist touch each other lightly, in about 30 seconds.

If there's time, after the facial massage, the sauna should to shrink pores. At the same time topical creams for the skin, because this time, the skin will be very easy to get the most nutrients.=
