The cosmetics ... eat!

Beauty salon)-a safe and effective cosmetics for the skin not as expensive branded products, which is exactly what you eat every day, surprisingly, isn't it?[links]If you have not really believed in the effects of natural resource products, try to "experience" a few recipes here. Just a few "simple", each winter, your skin still ensure smooth bright whiteness.

Homemade cleansers "delicious"

Fresh milk not only provides more nutrients to the body that it was a kind of fantastic cosmetics for your skin. Fresh milk has the effect of softening the skin and the skin very well. You can also make nice with fresh milk, very simple and not costly. If following the instructions below, it also can reduce wrinkles, fading freckles on the face.  

Fresh milk is a kind of fantastic cosmetics for your skin

Processing fresh milk cleanser is very simple, you just mix 3 TSP of milk with 2 teaspoons of oatmeal into the mixture make. Wetting the face with warm water then DAB "cleanser" up all over face and neck, gently massage the skin structure from 1-2 minutes, this is just enough time to catch up with the skin absorbs nutrients from fresh milk and oats. Then rinse with warm water.

If compare with other types of cleansers often, you will find cleansers are prepared from fresh milk has great effect over, not only helps the skin purified gently, fresh milk still leave moisturizer necessary, limit the phenomenon of chapped skin flaking, when Sun hanh dry.

The impact of "dual" of homemade cleansers will make your skin glow pink, smooth the natural way without any kind of a cosmetic makeover.

If no oatmeal, week 2 times you can pour the milk out washbasin, towels thin milk into water, squeezed lightly, and then for the towel face up, chill 30 minutes. Persistence 1-2 months, your skin will be very shiny and bright.

Along with facials, you can "enlist" balm for her hands become smoother by: taking about 100 ml of milk hot cooking, mix a few drops of balm used to soak your hands for from being dry, chapped, avoid snapped the nail.

Moisturizing mask "greasy"?

  Moisturizing mask "greasy" Cold weather skin care isn't hard bit because you just solve the problem of effective for moisturizing. If you are concerned that the amount of fat "abundantly" in fresh cream will make you gain weight when eaten regularly, why you don't use it as "cosmetic" skin?

Nothing better than fresh cream to moisturize dry skin for the most of the body because it has a fat content significantly. This food can be used to make the mask face or hands, you will find it extremely effective.

How to do it: Mix 3 spoons fresh cream soup spoons almond oil with 1 and a few drops of lemon. Wash your face or hands, then use the brushes sweep this mixture gently over the face or onto the hand. For 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Blood is circulated to help your skin become pinky, you please massage the face skin in the style of piano playing from 1-2 minutes after you apply rose water and lotion.

If your skin is often "eat" the food rich in moisturizing dry weather whether these fresh beauty, your kids will always shine.=
