Treat acne with Spanish conversation

Beauty salon)-From ancient time, conversation or Aloe Vera was considered the elixir in the skin for women. Spanish conversation can lather directly on the skin or the skin peels. Here is the secret beauty skin and acne treatment from the same conversation, discover ![links]Spanish conversation likely to destroy acne and dead cells, shrinks the pores and give you a skin toned. -The simplest way to treat acne with Spanish conversation is shaved in a transparent plastic layer intestinal grab leaves gaming conversation. You bring this solution DAB all over face (apply to Acne spot always offline) 15-20 minutes in the evening before bed, then washed, will see the skin soft and smooth. For Acne blemishes will see reduced swelling, if used regularly will prevent acne develop or spread.  

Acne treatment by Spanish conversation

-The second way is the decent mask conversation treat acne Spanish conversation masks and wash the rice water Wash the rice water to sedimentation, water in the plastic, mixed with the meat leaves the Kingdom (the ratio of water to rice and meat equally passionate Spanish solution). The evening before going to sleep face clean and DAB are the solution on the surface, so that to light, rinse with warm water.

Decent mask mode Adam treat acne

Spanish passion and honey mask Use 100 g fresh passion, 10 g of honey malt. Spanish conversation leaves washed, finely chopped, for the pot. Pour 500 ml of water into the boiler heat until boiling. Then continue to simmer low heat for 15 minutes. Rinsed with honey. This combined with the drink up the solution built on the. After 1 month, you will see significantly improved facial skin: smooth ball, se smoother and pores.=
