' My wife lost virginity is a shame '

Weight man)-a woman has 1001 reasons to explain for the loss of his virginity. And you too, your reason is being left the door locks and the boyfriend raped ...

His wife lost virginity is her husband's humiliation

E. Zakss sent ... and readers! Reading the mind of you E. Zakss... on page phunutoday.vn I really see a pressing. You also as a daughter now always 1001 reasons to say that the no longer "intact" in the wedding night was an accident.

Is this what is happening except, as your case is that being your boyfriend left the door and used the power to control? So I ask you, if you avoid the space only two people so then whether he can do anything you can't do?! So this is in no small part due to your error.

So that now you have started writing on this forum look forward to receiving the empathy, shared with the other damaged women? Or was your remorse?  You paying about this mistake with your respected husband when do not hold him to the wedding night?

Not for him the enjoyment of the divine, sweet in the first night of two activists in the room? Truth is false, false end of the level. I see you is a bad woman, is no longer a little more self-esteem.

The reason you put forth to justify what his mistake was your husband is a man of tolerance and lựng? According to you, "He never arouse my past, also never ask me about virginity, about my feelings with him.

He said, not interested with what's in the past, he's only interested in the present and reminds me to try the chalk early for the future of the two.

I am very loving and grateful to my husband for his tolerance of that selfless, "And that her husband you know you no longer virginity there but still married to you?  Makes you feel guilty?

Women lose virginity is often given a variety of reasons, but whatever the reason can not prove they are the woman in white

A son, I think there's a docile man, normally would have had left when the world stops can know everything.

That just might be before coming to you he has knee blanket with a couple of daughters, or also the person class or go eat cake in the style of "peeling the pay cake". Should now be seem to love you so for you guilty, you're doing your spirit.

If he does not belong in the above case, I daresay that the spouse who is not the normal development of the intellect. He might just be the sunshine into the House, not knowing that the rain also outside court.

A normal man like me and I believe that many men like me will never bear to accept sitting when that knew his wife was for others the "gold". Because once a girl has lost that first, then there's no reason they can't do it the second time, Tuesday ... and nth at all.

Moreover, they can come up with the first lovers can come and do it with the following lover anymore? I despise the daughters live away like that, they are the daughters have no self-esteem, integrity wholesale.

Moreover these people ever have sex before marriage as you that do not know how to avoid the consequences, that the emotion rising movement could not suppress such as easily lead to unintended pregnancies, while economic conditions or psychologically ready for the wedding , or many other reasons that are split, the solution you choose is addressed is surgical, smoking, break ... so as to make the health and morale of the daughter who more or less affected. People like that would be very great snipe diseases as secondary infertility problems.

Not all people like you just play bored as hell and then again the sons Sage wisdom as we suffered the consequences of that? People who like this then they will teach your daughter what kind they are?

I cannot accept such people. So to me any reason that each daughter sexual relations before marriage and then never approve.   No longer "Zin", I see no fault with her husband

Vietcuong ... @gmail .com  =
