10 signs a guy don't forget old love

1. new Boy split you girls are briefly

Before receiving Word of love, you should know the current status of the guy, there are new broken-hearted or not. If the period of time the guy gets the Bo "stone" new only 1-2 months, then likely you had to play the role as the alternative is quite high. This is the stage of the guy is suffering from nervousness, loneliness, the formidable emotional absence. To find a person to fill this void, the guy will be very warm, very honest with you, cause you can hardly resist.

2. The guy says that you look a lot like her

Enough guy herself understand that no girl would love her boyfriend mentioning the old lover in front of her not saying is compare. But if the guy can't control, constantly commented you looks a lot like she unconsciously then here is one of the signs that a guy can not forget the old people. And at the party you created for him as still being in the next girl before.

Yet need to know after this guy real happy with you or not, but before your eyes, you will have to do the "shadow" of the old people in a long time.

3. Regularly frequented the old love rendezvous

Maybe it is just because of the routine that guy can not be removed, but if the times would he also leads you to the location that was previously two frequented them, or those where she enjoys, even recalling old memories for you to hear, then certainly this is a serious problem. You need to talk straight to win with him, suggested a date in the new location. If the guy doesn't like or proved uncomfortable then you also do not need to hold him to do anything.

4. Yet laptops take off photo ex

Keep photo ex-lover there is nothing strange, even yourself you definitely still keep the beautiful memories of a time together. But storing it somewhere is another issue. When there was a new girlfriend, probably of course photo of ex-lover should be stored compactly in a lovely box (sometimes have pulled out of view, no one knows).

Over here, in the little guy's room, where she and the picture shows also the intimate pictures of the two. When you wonder, the guy's answer will definitely be "He forgot not to take off", but only the new stupid believe this is true.

5. All the things you do are reminiscent to the past of guy

Have you ever felt uncomfortable, warm memories when everything you do (though nothing to her), as simple as the way you hair claws, the way you smile with him, how you sit silent watching he's also reminiscent to the old people? If the guy just remind once then can forgive, rather than mentioning "n" times the time to need to say goodbye immediately.

6. Still keep in contact with old people

If between the two had common children, then he contacted old people is easy to understand. But if they do not have the binding that still regularly call, instant messaging, email, even each other's information, comment on the social networking site, then you should pay attention. In particular, you need to be wary if he acts with secrecy, hiding you as not listening to the phone in front of you , delete the message or lie to you about who he is. ..

7. Talk about old people that know not bored

Many a girlfriend the concept do not mention the scary new, rather than mentioning it is normal. Because once had been relaxed, prompting the name, the story about the old man in front of the new lover means the guy no longer emotionally with him anymore. But this argument never was right.

If the guy mentioned her regularly with a cheerful attitude, excitement, a dream eyes and unceasing praise of her beauty, brains, lovely then you should also be careful. Maybe this is one of the signs proved, the silhouette of the old girl still has always reigned in his heart.

8. the old people track on social networks

If he does not stop to track social networking sites like Facebook to counter the situation of old people news is he's still not able to forget the past. Your relationship with him can still nice but certainly he has not deleted the old shadows, even when she's green light for him back with her.

9. Never refused to help old people

He will not hesitate to help old people love anything as repair furniture, borrowing utensils ... You can tell that he is gentleman and always help others. But there may also be something behind which you should consider. Please share a real delicate way and frankly with him about your feelings when he spent too much time for old lover.

If really loves you, he will prioritize and emotional time for you. But when he continued to the old person despite your thoughts, nothing else is doubt he's still King old love. The time has come for you to consider whether to continue this relationship or not.

10. old man proved happy to have a new love

He felt unhappy and hậm hực because the old lover had new dating objects, which could be signs the guy yet forgotten old people. Please be reminded that he also had a new relationship with you, so no storage she could not find a half for herself and that is not the problem he should be concerned at this time.=
