11 what should apply from sport into sex

Sex as well as sports must play to win.

4. Accept what cannot be changed instead of keep sorry about itEach sport has its own rules. Sometimes sex is not totally comfortable for both. But sometimes "bothered" is still better than doing nothing. Know where your mood will be improved better.

7. Must play to win

If you want to have the "it" great, you have to do "it". So, should try to overcome the factors that discourage you. If you never participate in "the battle," you never score.

8. Enhance your skills

9. be flexible

10. Acceptance of the success and failure in jaunty

Just like in sports, you need a bit of luck and luck also nothing too serious. Optimism and belief in the "battle after" are the things you should do.

11. Learn to communicateNothing is better than you and who understand each other and have the correct response. So, talk and listen to people, to decode the signal of gestures and gesture to have the cooperation of Italian food. Italian food in sport very important decisions for the victory.

(According To The Afamily)
