6 deadly mistakes cause you to ... discounted stack

You lovely, delicious, not least the boy to Italy, but this time you still single ca. Why is that? According to the "Cat" then you probably are entangled in one of the 6 mistakes that single girl or made at are "drop". And more importantly, this isn't hard to reconcile.

Want to be a guy in love, the first is a girl.

 1. you are "trying to punch away food?"

Women should be very impatient capital when they want something, they have to want immediately. How, if you find yourself bleeding engine who loves to the point of accepting mass date then you just be careful. Type ongoing dating, meet continuously will cause you always encounter these guys don't fit, then frustration, then plunge into the next appointment. Sometimes, to get the "delicious", you have to be patient a little bit. You can only have 1-2 appointments a year, but find the appropriated for themselves, more than 100 appointments that have only the tìu lìu guy. That just makes you tired and distrust. So, be patient and once you still see "ripple ripple" something before an appointment, then the best is not so accepted the invitation.

2. you are going with a bunch of girlfriends?

You think is go with pretty then you easily to Italy more than reasonable? Wrong to. When you go to the same Assembly, you do not clown. The boys will play either fear, or afraid to dare not acquainted. The serious guy, they will not risk working to start a conversation or invited you to go play when your girlfriend dozens are looking two people "took place" and then turned off comments disarray. Your strategy should be sitting alone in a cafe, a glass of water that you like, read a book that both sons and daughters might prefer, like "the Da Vinci Code," for example. At that, you just look smart, just seems like are you waiting (not so alone!), just more accessible because you're still sitting alone.

3. Do you think he will like his understanding.

Contingency, he doesn't need too much information about you to so. Often the men would know immediately that he's like a girl or not just through a view. She only recently took time to google about a son name before deciding to love or not love. So, if a proved no excitement with you, then the continuous access to hope "he will enjoy himself once he understood about himself" will not help you.

4. Do you share too many of the appointments?

Ill say more of the daughter usually don't record score in the appointments. You believe people should immediately in the first thought that the enemy can be your friend and that is starting to make everything talk-sometimes at all what should not matter. The main share too much will make you nothing is interesting, even being the guy considered the many stories and too easygoing. A little mystery.

5. You have hijacked the Forum of the guy?

A when you say too much, then obviously you can not hear the other say-and the other also do not have the opportunity to speak. The thing you should do is let him say more than yourself, did you just open your eyes that listened, occasionally asking questions to demonstrate clearly the interest of his. That is the very model of a girl talk charming in the eyes of the guy.

6. You have forgotten the decency?

The key to a good appointment as smile. And don't forget those little praise. For example, if he introduces to you a delicious dessert, say: "it is true that chocolate cake here really tasty, you introduce good too, I will also introduce you to friends". Please be polite and modest, that is exactly what makes you stand out and make a good impression.=
