Discovered my husband has black Foundation

Xmen) secret-my husband has stealth black Fund of loan for his brother, and then told the couple she kept you don't let me know ...


Married 10 years, there have been together 2 children, I never hiding her husband something. Including income, money making, money to do more, how much are the entire publicly with her husband. Keep thinking that he will also act as such, didn't hide me up funds to spend.

My husband has stealth black Fund of loan for his brother, and then told the couple she kept you don't let me know ...

I discovered the black husband's new fund only recently, because the new husband's brother's family bought a piece of land, but the borrowers all over the place that still lacks more than a hundred million. My husband has stealth black Fund of loan for his brother, and then told the couple she kept you don't let me know, because it's money taken from his slush fund. But why hide, everyone in my family say to my ear. What I do not believe that her husband has such a large amount of funds, but still made the decision to ask him to hear an explanation. My husband initially refused to get out, then you also have to acknowledge, and to know that he is not money lenders, that money you earn at least once a month to get into the Bank to make funds, what precautions need to then carry out target. I asked him why he had to do, because how many year living together, how much income, spending something, and then his grandmother courtesy of foreign how I also publicly with him, not hiding anything, then why are you not doing so with me?. You are not honest with his wife, and a lack of respect for me. He explained that he did not intend to use the funds to spend for myself which is the objective for the whole family, so he claimed no errors at all. But I asked if no errors then why are you not with me you keep a monthly wage, then at least now he has more than 100 million, take out for you my husband bought land loans are also not told I would. Left still married he told my husband to hide me this doesn't explain. I also know more, sometimes I hide I go home to visit my parents and my husband would of also for my husband's parents for money. But he never told me about it. While I, for his parents a well I must openly tell you. And then also the what you hiding your mother again, I do know this. Living with a husband who is not honest so what should I do now the waitress.=
