He thinks The way he Apples

Often the starting height of 22 or 23 December morning, families do to him whom heaven up Apple (Apple Farewell) to the owner of the work, a solo with the Jade Emperor. Until the new Apple Eve return to Earth to continue the work and takes care of his fire.

Apple Force unit year around in the kitchen should know everything or bad good bad guys, so to the King of the kitchen "line" for her to be much luck in the new year, people often anoint take Apple on His adoration of the Jade Emperor was very solemn.

The Apple cult figures including ceremony capped The three-deck he or three-two men and a hat. The hat for the Apple, then he have two wings to scoot her Apple hat, then no. These caps are jewelry small round mirror with sparkling glitter colourful seconds. Simply convenient to, also when people worship only one deck of the hat he (has two wings, dragonflies) are accompanied by a shirt and a pair of hia in paper ...

Depending on the scene, in addition to the main ceremony the mother can do with sticky salty holiday chicken, boiled sausage, cooked dishes foot bamboo shoots, cooked ...; or vegetarian feasts with betel palms, fruit of the same paper gold and silver. He thinks Apple should be set to tap in the kitchen with:

1 rice disk;1 salt disk;5 lang boiled shoulder;1 bamboo shoot soup bowls;1 fried disk assortment;1 disc rolls;1 carp (CARP or live);1 savory disk,1 disk of fruit;3 cups of wine;1 betel leaves, areca fruit;1 bottle of daisies;1 set of paper money, gold code.

If you have ponds or rivers they should buy live CARP to freed, otherwise should not drop the bluff that killing the fish, just waste that didn't show up to Apple.

In Saigon, can stroll around the Bazaar in Tran Hung DAO, Hai Thuong Enem, Chinatown in district 5, the Tin market (District 11) or the market as a large Market, West to have more choice in the type code, varied outfits for apples. Also in Hanoi, in addition to the common market, where many items are streets.

However, when he thinks he bought Apples to note the color of the hat, shirt or hia he changes every year according to the marble.

Example: years as kim, use yellow;In rustic onion, use white color;In practice, use blue;In fire administration, use the color red;Years as Saturn, use black.

And also maybe due to each concept, plus the rich cultural lifestyle in each region which He thinks rituals Apples also have different sections in each locality.

Today, the customary worship him Apples, he don't thoughtful and organized many ceremonies. Just a fish pot, a simple deck with boiled chicken trays, savory tea warehouse, purchase available and a few savory is finished alloy wheels the machine to remember thanks to the ancestors and the gods have protection for his family a year of peace, prosperity.=
