I have lived the last 3 months of your life like that!

I have returned to the family party and live the truth fun family party. I have also spoken with relatives so they prepare the ideological if not at me suddenly.

I have lived the last 3 months of your life like that.

Though I was only 27 years old but now has to like the yellow leaves are about to fall out. So, I know I can go out at any time that is not foreseen. The other day the other day, maybe more, or maybe just today I will have to go, from the world I'm living in order to come up with a world where there is in a dream I never envisioned it would.

Previously, when watching television, I saw people trapped many cancer patients at discovered too that I was late. In the meantime I have mind or thought Misc to the issue. I had thought that, as if that day comes for me, certainly I would not know and managed to cope. I will suffer and die of despair.

Then myself I still never get, the day he came to me so close as the days passed. Maybe because living alone too long with erratic eating habits, probably because of always thinking about the past with how paying in my marriage my unfinished, perhaps because I did not know take care of ourselves ... so I've been sick to the stomach. Then one day a visit again, I suddenly when doctors concluded: I suffered from stomach cancer and no longer can hold up long.

I also know, as cancer is Denel. It will come as a surprise that I don't bark. But to fast like this, I can't imagine. I also thought just stomach ache that basic hospital, then took the final stage.

Get this news, from having to say I was shocked until. I suffer when unknown time left that life for and more painful that I no way to change it. I do not know how to live, what would you do to this period mean at all.

Looking back, I have nothing called wealthy. I just have a normal job with a salary sufficient feed themselves. I also have the dear colleagues but really I'm not wealthy to be able to bring the property do, go buy the passion. I and my husband also divorced, went, again not yet had children so I only know most enjoy the happiness of the single life.

I used to also like to hide out family and friends didn't notice them. Because I really don't know what to tell them how ... I am very scared to do them, do they not worry about me. But I'm afraid they blame me a lot, they get plenty of day end when I was no longer in this world.

But then I thought back and had just stepped through his final three months a real relaxed way by always looking forward as follows:

-I was trying to calm down, sit back, take the pen off paper alone, outlines the things that I haven't done or are intending to do in the future. Then arrange your life to be able to live the remaining time in the best way.

-I have returned to the family party and live the truth fun family party. I cherish the moments of the party. I have also spoken with relatives so they prepare the ideological if not at me all of a sudden they'll be 1 very large shock.

-From knowing there's only 3 months on my life, I was actually living 100% real with myself. Have something to say to someone, I said. My heart is no longer the hatred, greed, si.

-I also try to do things that I have cherished in terms I can.

Generally 3 months, I was real upbeat and always smiling. I do this to everybody assured of me and they will ease the grieving. By myself I also know, if you decline the spirit only done more disease and less family time. Now I just think, leave the smile is better than carrying the dismay is not of you.

Tomorrow I was on the other side of the world and then, if anyone read the mind , let me add the advice to always forward, to the last day of me more meaning. Wish everyone stay healthy and take care of myself the best.=
