I need your kind forgiveness?

(Phunutoday)-I had betrayed her husband because the. I do not advocate for the crime of adultery . Because if the reasons then perhaps I would be more sympathetic. But the tradition of we women must work, content, happy, ... then watch as the crime is hard to forgive.

Photo illustrations

I also do not want to continue living that downloads would I also have to embrace those insults of her husband. I try not to be upset in front of people and kill time thinking by focusing on work, focused much, for you, the worry for his family. because I know that mother p < doesn't stop me. Both the 1 years passed he still prompted to go back daily reminder if free, every week when you look back at his plight. He said that my family are all the money, like to split British father and son, my mother and my sister are all obnoxious people. .... everything you put up the top of my mother. I used to say, I was growing, that my mother taught me, it is the voluntary, no one forced anyone, don't catch my mother is involved in this.

My mother is very gentle, less hard all my life, and always, I worry for both goddesses I, for both you and baby. Both my home only his mother and 2 children .... I thought of his family, the limit, but I worry for her husband's Party.

Both of us were educated people, have stable jobs are done in places where the 2 bodies all know each other. I always behave very well with everyone, always viewed him as teacher in terms of reasoning. I always live because people and very afraid of making others Buddha, so I have a lot of friends. External social work occupies a lot of time in family roles, I was also the only person to resolve everything, from housing, teach you, take you away to school and worry about everything.

Also my husband, last week about two days. But 2 day is my obsession. Even weeks he is not about to be mentally I'm not comfortable. p < satisfied. However, I am the woman to live reason, I'm not too concerned about sex. Whether or not. < p. I always like to keep this family because of my children. So how many times have we sat back, took thought together, but also how everything about the number 0. He urges me to write off single sign, and repeatedly so. Tension also present as strings. =
