Instrument he owned 240 collection sex doll

(Phunudoisong)-Bob and his wife Lizzie Gibbins (in Madley, Hereforshire,) pride in their wooden house in a collection in which all the world to admire, to 240 sex doll.
The spouses he, silver table to choose the name "his Angel". And every month you go shopping for the angels including: clothing, shoes, hats, wigs, and makeup, worth more than 100,000 pounds.

Bob relax with some of her favorite doll Mr. Bob 60 years have special sympathy with her name is Patsy, he often brought "her" up cars to go play. Each doll is made of silicon prices of up to 7000 table. Mrs. Lizzie said: "it is the preference of Bob and I also accept spoil you on that. We just love to wear to her dolls. "

Mr. Bob "love for" Patsy should usually give little Mermaid ride Especially her dolls to have fiery body size, are as real people.
However he Bob back to that: "other people use sex dolls sex purposes only, I. I just love to watch and care for my Angel but I don't like to do "it" with her ".

The couple says satisfied with sex Angels

The angels he's Bob in the bedroom!

He and the angels enjoy the tea and biscuits.