Is the man being chased his wife, should I apologize for?

I am 34 years old, is the head of a trading company for electronic equipment. I took my wife to date has sweet ngét 6 years. My wife has just stepped through the age of 30 two months ago. Starting from then, she suddenly difficult.

She's very or make me, from the beer foam seat with you new blackened about, won't help stupid wife. She said as if I bad silver Lam. The fact that a week I go get drunk with friends twice, the rest are about right now. Strange, since 6 years, I still see his wife gripes. Now back to school others, bouncing off the race to catch my husband have to work from home. Whine about going soon tired of late, she left it I won't dry clothes instead of each time out. I have touched on washing machines where know.

Actually, I find homes very clean, not dirty little would she smoothly on cleaner. Done changed clothes I also later the door rather than throw around the cluttered eyesore. Children playing, I also picked up the fingers help the toys thrown into a place for the compact, which is not good as I look my wife says. But my wife as being "touched" on electric drive, complain along.

Several times my wife threw out her husband's shoes, but just a few hours after world would also run out picked up on dry clean for me.

3 day, I just hang out with your mates. Bathing is finished I sat clutching the waiting wives clean up rice. But do not understand why my wife ever get behind angry, from the kitchen workers, sports shoes I just go throw out in the yard. This is not the first time so I'm still very calm sitting children learn to speak. Several times my wife threw out her husband's shoes, but just a few hours after world would also run out picked up on dry clean for me.

Waiting almost 30 minutes that has yet to see his wife clean up my belly, rice réo fuss. I call: "the rice yet? Why so long? ". I find myself saying that nothing is insulting at all, the tone is also very soothing. But my wife's entry into the soup bowl off suddenly brandishing hand poured all down vegetable sink. Then my wife always throw the Bowl on it. I hugged running back question: "I suffer? He's hungry enough to have know, huh? "

My wife so enraged the hằm hằm out of my hand. Her louder: "Hungry then where to go eat. I don't much anymore. " I heard my mother say to instant crying too. My wife hugging it went into the bedroom. I do not understand, in part, the hungry, the part is found bizarre about the actions of his wife. I run in to the bedroom and he asked "Why suddenly I mad about? I just have to go. What today's strange brother. You so again, you go eat outside. ".

People watching, I say so too much also. I'm just going to scare his wife, and then also counted on makeshift cooking kitchen is something to eat first. But my wife put down the bed and then don't ever open the closet, throw my clothes off the floor. Just throw away, she just said "you're good, then go, go now".

So did not openly pursue my wife? By this age, perhaps I have been chasing my wife out of the House? That she is the one that dares to have that right? 8 p.m., rice has not eaten, to be his wife proIs the man being chased his wife, should I apologize for?ked, I too hot so the chatter says ", you don't have regrets, then don't call my dog back." Then I bike shop. I go very slow, wait for her remorse that call back but saw my wife thinks of my clothes put all on travel bag and then throw out the yard.

News too, I hold the bag steps out of the gate. But walking for 5 minutes, I don't know if I should go where. Home parents lay the shame, and then my parents baby story tear out to. To temporary vacation hotel, the money in the bag is not enough. I chẹp the mouth to the stomach, the friend in the doldrums it few minutes to my wife willing to go looking, never me about.

Husband and friend knew I was sent, for sneaky laugh together smoothly. Even you you still patting shoulders told me returning to apologize in advance.

But several days passed but my wife still not calling, texting or come find me. Husband and friend knew I was sent, for sneaky laugh together smoothly. Even you you still patting shoulders told me returning to apologize in advance. This can, I haven't lost my face close.

I make sure I stay here a few more days, my wife how well stem up. Till then, I'll up the face that "tensions" to her fear, most of the "habit of bullying her husband".=
