Look at your son's fall, I suffer because its father robbed!

Married and happy, but never peace.

Me and my husband met nine years ago, he a longer works I do real estate brokers. We regularly meet to Exchange work, because so far I occasionally home to stay in place to track construction progress.

The more exposure the more I have a good impression about you, we can talk of areas in socialharmony, from thoughts to the hobby, to understand the nature of the work should be easy to share everything. I never thought he would become the third, who I used to despise, also never thought he would love a family man.

I have appearance, qualifications and job stability, many single guy pursued but fate often unpredictable, I was shaken strongly ahead. I stayed longer works to be chatting with you, and then two guys away from home quickly plunge into each other after two months.

Many at apologized to his wife, he heart I don't want to break a family, but when done the work I split you hold. He confided the spouses have no common point would in addition to their two children, his wife, is the Extrovert, dynamic reporters; and you inward, both not have plenty to say in addition to children, exterior; more erratic work hours makes the couple as far from each other.

Because of the nature of work is often far from home, he easily lied to his wife to comfort in my sidebar. The trip is more about time to living with me that his wife never suspected.

We stealthily two years then I'm pregnant so he decided with his wife to her decision. Out to say my sister jealous, hurt, crying at all for months and then decided to divorce. He left the property to his wife and to leave empty-handed.

After the divorce, last week we also put two kids join the supermarket, the Park to them not emotional disadvantage; trying to compensate, loving care to reduce the portion of loss for him, his wife, and we also support the sin in my heart. And then your wife had an accident takes 40% of labor ability, you no longer have the flexibility as before, not qualified according to the profession of vows are off work.

During your stay, eldest sister 10 years of her patron self everything, it doesn't want us to know about, well not for help. The day she goes to help the House for one night, making more food craft products or go help the chores gently.

Small daughter 8 years half the evening go to school half-water homes, rice worries sessions also son do enough survival craft, am learning the way cafes, while supporting up to 12 h night's new home. It comes straight to you "He chose to leave then never appeared in front of us again, to let your mother alone".

Perhaps due to lean hard life, the pain of losing my father, how many events occur to make it hate him. It poured all over our head Sin makes life fun before the rubble. The last seven years, I just can't stand looking at them from a distance, the greater the more we understand the story, used to the hard life of emotional deprivation should sometime meet cold fishy face do not emotion, didn't want to talk.

Small daughter says not what hatred, e.g. through Afar how many years do also love as before, met lukewarm as the stranger. Older son keep seeing us is evaluated again, let's stop the hypocrisy of that game, people want to help but I don't want to get, you want relief also I find offensive, don't need the person compensated many years we lived very well.

This year's older son 17 years have a filter, the core trade in the market. It do anything to make money, free World Cup season just then it opened cafes get gambling, pawn, also the hook to organized gambling. So have money worries for the girls school and my husband's former wife was resting, the exit scene for hire by very weak sister because health sequelae following the accident. It built spacious homes, House for rent, available capital to trade, the investment proceeds of loan interest rates, record the batch. A few years ago for dinner it is going to sell movie discs depraved, condoms, cigarettes in these bars, the red light district.

Several times he voiced recommend it don't do these illegal craft there and back in school, he will worry everything not to it hard again. From a good student of mathematics of cities, reaching many academic and sports now fallen again, using the evil game of Zhao to make money. That your father arguing vehemently, as it has the new bridge there, there's just robbery, smuggling it now the pillar of the family, bright or dark profession profession it do both arms. He really helpless before the big boys.

Throughout these years, and I never stop biting the twinge of conscience. I know he loved me deeply, but also very happy family two children with ex-wife is weighing anxieties cause we've never serenity. We want to compensate sincerely doesn't understand why his son extremely angry, more like to help share it as san hate. Maybe self-esteem is too large making it feel uncomfortable when getting the pity of others.

Patrol wings in the heart every time I think of you day much all night smoking, thinking, sometimes he's looking phạc I also sorry but don't know how. Thought everything was OK, later raised the children will understand, feel for yourself, just yourself remain the same, the love and care it whether anything happened but the face the Court of conscience is not easy, not simple responsibilities is can argue to delete.

Every time I see you are a sad, sighed. I want to see you give it anything you like, want to hug it chatting, sharing about planned in the future as a family, comfortable playing fun happy. But the distance is not known to have life fill is not, or to close eyes on life still not cooperating because peace is not yet done.=
