Man-woman, we need each other

(Phunutoday)-women! Man we always need you. Please don't be harsh with us as time past, the older sister. The sisters always deserve to be loved, honored.[links]

Man, woman is the creation of more amazing can not create culture

Okay guys the excuse all the time see you my sisters quarrel. What to do, when that man is born of woman for each other, is to love each other, complement each other?. So despite telling how the woman still cannot live without men. And vice versa, although men any reason also can't live without is a woman. So, don't say women are more important than men, or men are more important than women. Because quite frankly, nobody was born and raised on this earth solely due to a father or mother born. They all need to have a combination of two people. The eggs of the mother, the father's sperm, and experiencing the birth of the child. Whether the child is the child of a single mother who, unknown life his father or mother, they spread into the wild poetry of marriage they too hate crowded thoughts about me, then they still can not deny they exist in this world is because of a man. Then the artificial insemination today too, any woman that choose not to have children then that her husband still has to resort to the "elite" of strange men to have children. Then don't say is that the role of men is not important. What about a woman who, without them, the man never was born. Moreover, with the men, the role of women is extremely important. While lying in the womb, the woman is still carrying the heavy, foster. When born, is also a caring mother, hand feeding mớm, and love. The mother also nurtured, taught us about human life, moral man, ...

Women should be loved

So the new Buddha taught that, "going around the world no one by his mother, the burden of life no one suffering with my father". Then, the sentence: "The father as the country mother Means Thai son, as the water in the flow source." no one is unknown. Like to say is the role of the father, the mother is equally. No man no woman's existence, she in return, no woman does not have the birth of man. Should you, you try to find answers to more important people who, like the other would go in search of a solution to the problem of the egg or the chicken there before. With myself, a man and a woman is the most wonderful combination of creator. Man when spawned has been dubbed, has the mission to cover the frail woman. So is a man, I want the other man to remember this, that share, to love with the woman next to her, and out of society by the practical action. Because they deserve to be sheltered, loved. Also woman, born as women. Especially the Vietnam Women, she also is a symbol of tenderness and love trade for my husband, son and family. You have a very important role not only in the family, in the heart of the man as the wife-mother, but also asserted the role of society in Vietnam today. Many women have proved to be her position, and has been recorded, ... but also don't so that you forget to take the role, and his responsibility for his family, my husband. Prove for the men we see, a woman's strength is Vietnam where?. The woman, the man we always need you. Please don't be harsh with us as time past, the older sister. Congratulate workers on 14/2 and 8/3.      Thangt. p. ..=
