Married 1 year ... but still I was the daughter

Up to now I also don't know how explain about her husband's actions, don't understand what you're going to do, when you got married?

And I married so far have been 1 year, no wedding night then have nodded because he was drunk. But even married during fellatio stories 1 years, he also does not show anything. You not be bruised couple because, you never want to have children.

From the day of love, we've got the Nice feelings.

Because of the family situation is also difficult, have children, it will not be adopted. I heard him say that, I said you were bad, because of lack of something people don't want to have kids but they still taking contraceptive measures. I said, you said, the pill will be harmful to me later, and then, like to childbirth difficult judgement.

Also used condoms then you're not certain. He said, husband and wife but also used her then what are known as husband and wife. I stand out.

From the day of love, we've got the Nice feelings. Actually, I never doubt my love . He interested me, spoil me. He said, he never let me gauge. And so, when married about Moose, he backs make money, take care of my family, to have your food to the new deal.

Time love each other we have a romantic date but have never gone over the limit. And when you married, find every way denying me, you just embrace me every time the couple is common. I talk about this with friends, they said, given my husband is gay, or is there something in the disease who did not want to sexually transmitted and are in run-time.

I also doubt very much. But gay is not okay, because I know, he's not like that, no wonder the whole expression.

I have external univesity that bored my wife then probably not. Because a smart man, he has United, can normal relations outside like that will never be denied his wife a way of exposing such touches.

Because the couple never got wedding night that you do so then you ' he backs his sticks ' or not? 1 years I hiding both the husband, both my home and the people, who dare to confess it. I'm waiting for the change from her husband but he never gave me a reason. I don't understand her husband anymore. Does anyone get married 1 year still have dynamic room night?

Married 1 year ... but I'm still the daughter.

I am now suffering the Lam. I keep active hugged him he also did nothing, although I feel the discomfort. Don't know you have hidden what situation inside that when I seriously talk, you also do not speak half the lyrics, just said not to want to have children. I am sad too, do now?=
