Married life that hitters can't another hell

I tell these stories come out, sure there will be many people told me. But I'm still hoping there will be more young girls to read to avoid thinking and my way step. Don't think that married life hitters will feel good.

4 years ago, when I had just graduated College. I am a girl who have outstanding appearance, face lovingly. After 3 months of trial, I get to do the official employee of a real estate Corporation.

Married life that hitters can't another hell.

I work as Assistant to the Secretary of the Director of 38 years. Because of the characteristics of work so I am forced to change yourself to become more beautiful, more dynamic and more style. two months after being admitted to the formal, my salary is not enough to pay for clothes. At that time I told myself, invest themselves well be the future.

My boyfriend (we loved each other from the second year University) always prevented me. Don't you want me sa da too into the world of the rich. We often argue about it.

I decry his salary only a few silver coin, nor does all my life savings to buy a small apartment. At this point you are sorry and will try, but gradually I realized, we don't have the same voice.

1 month after the first days of arguing, we separated. At first I was very dissapointed because of absence of a morning wake-up call out. No one reminding me to eat breakfast, it's time to go to bed. Around I no longer person to comfort me wrong, howling and venting angry each time frustrating.

But despite nervousness about me myself, as that is the best. I need a successful husband, wealthy, can give me is a spacious House and full life. Therefore, I do not have time to get bored that started the search object.

My beautiful makeup daily to go to work, the afternoon hike walk the city or chic cafes and sit alone to prayers appropriate admissions standards but were unsuccessful. Finally, in a work of late, I've met Sir 38 years old, my superior's superior.

That day I typed back to the minutes of the meeting between the company with investors. Over nearly 6 p.m., preparing to go off then someone stepped in. That was the boss, which normally I only occasionally seen (because he's very rarely come to the company).

He seemed surprised to see me still in the company should stop asking. Then he told me to wait a while, he distilled into Office documents then will carry me on. Before that I lied him that I ride the bus to work. The first sitting in the luxury cars, I was full of desire to own an so on. Just got married, new fate was changed. On the way home, we got to chat with each other and feel very Italian.

A few days after that I always try to stay close to 6 pm. Ah, come Tuesday, we meet. This time he invited me to dinner at a restaurant is very classy. Talk to each other, I know he has divorced his wife of more than three years, he lived alone.

He had a son but are living with his ex-wife. He started telling me about the single life boring just to know his work. I feel very sympathetic and understanding. So I actively please phone number of you to chat, share what you feel lonely.

We started dating on chain like a pair of lovers. Runs out, when there's no one company, you'll catch me in the basement and then carry me to go eat, go for coffee and carry me home. I never expressed anything offensive, I find it very reassuring and very like him. Until one day, the company I have packed parties. The evening he does not drink much, still very awake. He told me after he messaging about 5 minutes then also Hey everyone and then about, you wait for me in the parking lot.

Just get in the car, he asked me want to play? Today I drink alcohol so now headache slightly, don't want to go anywhere. I think, should also do something to bind him, we used to be 4 months if kept in the pictures fear soon you will get bored. So I agree.

We go to bed with each other. Then a lot of times you take me home. Been a long time, I discovered he also had an intimate relationship with a young girl. Know this, I'm just jealous just angry. Thinking forever, I seek to bind you when trying to get pregnant herself. When I got elected, he married me. Ideas do all right, mistress of my life will be different. But incredibly, it is hell.

I'm not going to do anymore. Throughout the day in the home take care of belly. The old man just like the camera, the monitor I used glasses of each line. I have not been exposed to computers, phones, televisions have also been limited because he feared that affect children. At home in a State like this make me very restless.

Meanwhile, my husband go there today, late sooner 2 am I hot new phones all calls go. Return, on the British smell thoang occasionally smell, bath milk alcohol beer while you say you go forward.

It is true that I was living in a beautiful Villa, in the garage always has two luxury cars, not a lack of money but nothing to do. Every month I send home to parents some money, you have to give back money to her husband. My clothes shopping a lot of song by no where to go should not have occasion to wear. I don't understand the need of a husband do to hitters do?

I suddenly crave these days is going to kick up, run out of date now, go eat coffee as before. My age of less than 25, but I don't get the little freedom to do what I love again.

Now I'm pregnant in the 8th month, my husband a month now without sleep with me, I get a reason to fear sleep forget hitting the abdomen I should sleep in a separate room, then minutes, then say sleep company. Still, the couple from living at the belly I 5 months, I have not touched me. I feel depressed too! Reviews that can start, I won't be easy with him as such.=
