Men work very despicable!

Weight man)-the men like to work is the man despicable, ignorant and not make a lot of money by his wife.

Welcome Phuongtranh! I have read your share. I saw your boyfriend has many points of resemblance, I also never worked at home and also has straight with people who love me before-now is my wife that I never work from home.

Whether Sun had collapsed down, or how the voices I also still never do-that the work is not for a man. Please confirm with you that was 20 years after the wedding, I have never in any limb of a dynamic work in the home, in addition to bring money back to his wife every month, but I do not clown affair where you Phuongtrang. So, what the thinking man, the ease of adultery is wrong.

Men accept work from home is something which the people, the lack of a field and not make a lot of money with his wife

I think, you take his lover, because he is a good man, there is a field and have enough basis for you to marry. He has a steady job, income, capital, home to him ... that was my dream of so many girls now and then. You're not going to work, I think this is very normal. Because the majority of men who have a field has to think like people who love you. I myself too, I think I took my wife about to be served rather than the wife wife about to serve again, so the wife will say no to the home. I also give you a more interesting news is that, the men know to say no to the home is the successful man and earns more than the man fascinated with home work. You will ask why so, because a man claims not to work from home means that he had thought the House was the work of his wife, while he himself had to do other work, worthy of the man than, for example, out of society make money serving the needs , the life of the family, his wife and child. Worried about his wife and child have a physical life settled. Because the determination that, should the men know to say no to home work is the man whose tenacity, intelligence and success.

Also in contrast, men who love to work from home to help his wife just might be the guy, "gay"-he does not recognize him that she is not out to her; Second, according to observe and draw experience from myself I can see, the men prefer to work from home is the man despicable, ignorant and not make a lot of money by his wife. Because of the despicable, not to make money with his wife, should stay in the family he had no voice, or in other words his voice does not have the weight and he is subject to the making of his wife, to do the work of a woman such as washing, cooking rice , lau, for children to eat, that is not complaining. Do you want to get a husband does not have a field and not the family pillar economically? If you select man like the home, if not, please choose the man to say no to the home.  

