My 5 year old daughter being invasive you

My baby girl for almost 5 years. I go to work I should post in the House. Khanh is the adopted son of my father, age 15. When her grandmother away, Khanh at home alone with my daughter, many times do you gross damage to the body, spirit and personality. He's not the baby invasion that left little to the movies and then teach your baby to do like in the movies.

The incident took place many times like that, you see Grandma but dare not tell me. Only when you told me you were hurting, and Mahadevan baby cunt bleeding I know. I tell her, the doctor said I was invasive and inflammatory in the region. Can I know his grandfather but does nothing.

I have yet to talk with anyone, my husband is also unknown. I have to how with Khanh and his grandparents. If my husband knows, does not understand the job will go to. And then the baby's future after this, can affect psychological, personality and the sense of you. At present I see you or repeat action Khanh teach me. Please give me the readers tips and solutions on the incident.=
